Even though I keep my eyes closed, it’s difficult to escape into slumber. The cold and hard floor is uncomfortable, making me twist and turn to find a good position to sleep in. There’s also an unavoidable feeling of being watched that keeps me from relaxing.
I must’ve slipped into a doze at some point because a sudden noise jerks me awake. Curled up on the floor, I listen intently to the sound of approaching boots.
Light floods through the door on top of the staircase. A tall man is silhouetted against it and is fast descending the stairs.
I push myself to sit up, the movement sending sharp spikes of pain throughout my body. Resting on the hard ground hasn’t helped with the soreness in my muscles.
“Wakey, wakey, Princess,” says an eerily cheerful tone.
Leon, my mind whispers, recognizing his voice at once.
Coming to stand before me, he stares down at me. “It’s time to get you out of here.”
“Really?” I breathe.
“Don’t get any ideas, though,” he adds in a more serious tone. “You’re still our prisoner. I’m just taking you to a better room for you to nest in. You’ll be staying with us longer, so we might as well keep you comfortable. Right?”
When I don’t move, he leans down and grabs my arm, hauling me to my feet. Without another word, he drags me up the stairs until we’ve reached the door.
My eyes blink against the sudden brightness. It takes me a moment to realize we’re inside a modest-sized room. Bright sunshine streams through the glass windows, illuminating digging forks and shovels that are lined up against one of the walls. An upturned wheelbarrow sits in the corner. The smell of freshly turned earth hits my nostrils, confusing me.
Where exactly am I?
Looking down, I see a long, white dress clinging to my frame. My feet are bare and dusty from walking around in the basement.
“This way,” says Leon.
I glance toward him, seeing him properly for the first time since he kidnapped me from my wedding.
His back is turned toward me as he walks out of the room but I catch a glimpse of flaming-red hair that’s gathered into a low ponytail. He’s dressed in black jeans paired with a matching leather jacket.
Hurrying after him, I walk through the door and find myself transported to a very different place.
Green hedges, taller than me, fence me on both sides. They enclose the narrow path ahead, tapering into a bend in the distance.
The next thing that draws my attention is the imposing Gothic manor rising in the distance. The architecture is built of weathered black granite, reminding me of middle-aged European cathedrals.
What is such a building doing in the middle of Ashville?
Are we in Ashville? I wonder confusedly.
The tall hedges on my either side don’t allow me to see anything else. They’ve grown to a height of at least fifteen feet, forming walls of green.
Leon has already disappeared beyond the curved path before me. I hurry forward, feeling relieved when I find him further along the narrow passage. He glances back and gestures for me to keep following him.
“Where are we?” I ask, keeping my distance from him.
“Home,” he says without glancing back. “It’s grand, isn’t it?”
A tourist may find the Gothic monstrosity “grand”. It certainly suits a demonic man like Damien. I can easily imagine him sitting on an ancient throne, like a beast from a fairy tale, who watches over his dreadful, barren estate.
As a prisoner though, I just want to get the hell out of here.
“I haven’t spoken to Damien yet,” Leon continues to say. “He was going to throw you back to your brother but that plan’s going to change. We need to keep you here longer.”
Anxiety coils tight in my gut.
I don’t want to be handed over to Callum but I doubt staying here longer is any better. They’ve already used me and hurt me. They won’t stop abusing me even after my heat is over. They’ll keep it up until they’re bored of me or kill me.