Page 23 of Holding Grace

“Sure,” she shrugged nonchalantly as I silently thanked Levi for the time alone with her. Not that he’d done it for that purpose, but I’d take whatever I could get.

Once Grace and I were settled in the truck, I reached behind the driver’s seat and fished a cold bottle of water from the cooler I’d stashed there. I handed it off to Grace, grabbed another one for myself, then started the truck up and pulled out of the lot.

“How are you holding up?” I glanced over at Grace where she sat, quiet, with her head leaning back against the headrest.

She laughed softly, then took a sip of her water before answering. “I’m embarrassed to say it, but I’m actually a little wiped out.”

“Why is that embarrassing? You’ve made some big changes over the past couple of days. This time yesterday we were still on our way back to Lark.”

It was hard to believe that just yesterday morning I’d picked Grace up to bring her back, and now here we were moving her into an apartment.

I hadn’t liked leaving her alone in a hotel for even one night – and would have been more than happy to join her, which was of course nowhere near being an option.

“I know,” Grace conceded, bringing my attention back to our conversation. “But all I’ve done today is get out of bed, shower, get dressed, look at an amazing apartment, and point at things for you guys to carry to the truck. It’s not like it’s taken a lot of energy.”

“Physical energy, maybe not, but mental energy, definitely.” I glanced over at her again, letting myself feel the satisfaction of having her close to me. “Go easy on yourself. Give yourself the same break you’d give anyone else.”

“You’re right.” Grace aimed a smile my way. “I’m not good at that.”

“Practice,” I told her. “You’ll get better.”

“Yes, sir,” she responded, her eyes bright with teasing humor, and I had to look away.

I liked the sound of those words from her mouth just a little too much.

Focus, I reminded myself. You need to focus.

“After we get everything unloaded and set up, I thought we could swing by the pub to say hi to Jamey. He’s anxious to see you.”

Grace twisted her fingers in her lap like she did when she was battling nerves.

“If you’re too tired, we can skip it. I thought we could grab an early dinner while we’re there but if you’re not up for it...”

“No, it’s okay. I might as well get it over with.” Grace closed her eyes and shook her head. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.” She opened her eyes and looked at me, her expression serious. “I know you said Jamey’s not mad, and I believe you, but I’m still nervous to see him.”

I wanted to take her hand in mine, reassure her, but I didn’t. Instead, I did the best I could with my words.

“I get it. All I can tell you is it’s going to be fine. It’s up to you. See how you feel later, and we’ll do whatever you want to.”

I pulled up in front of the apartment building, Levi pulled up behind me, and we unloaded. Within a couple hours, we had everything put away and set up. Even the stubborn bedframe, which had taken three of us to put together, sat waiting in the loft for the delivery of Grace’s mattress the next day.

“It’s starting to come together.” Mercy stood, hands on her hips, as she surveyed the space. “I wasn’t sure how that little Windsor desk would fit with the modern loft feel of the apartment, but I like it.”

“I do, too.” Grace stood looking at it, her head tilted a little in a way I found damn adorable. “It’s a little quirky in this space, and I like that.”

“Perfect, then.”

Grace turned to face us all. “Thank you is utterly inadequate but,” she shrugged with a little smile, “thank you nonetheless.”

“You’re very welcome.” Levi pushed away from the kitchen island where we’d all been leaning, and Ry and I followed. “We’re glad you’re here, Grace. I mean that.”

Grace thanked him again, then he, Mercy, and Ry filed out. When she turned back to me, I walked over to join her near the door.

“What do you say?” I asked her. “Do you feel up to going to the pub tonight or do you want to skip it? It’s entirely up to you.”

“Let’s go,” Grace responded with no hesitation. “I’m not going to stop being nervous until I do it, and I don’t want Jamey to think I’m avoiding him. If you’re sure you don’t mind taking the time, I’d like to go.”

“I don’t mind at all.” The opposite, in fact. “Want to grab some food while we’re there?”