I let myself have another small taste of her, dipping my head again while she tipped her own face up to mine this time. Heat surged through me as our lips pressed together – once, twice, a third time – then I made myself stop.
Any more and I’d have her pressed against the wall with my tongue down her throat and my growing erection pushing into her soft belly.
I brushed her hair from her face as I stepped back and cracked open the door. “Have sweet dreams for me, okay?”
“You do the same.”
Using the last of my willpower, I walked out, shutting the door behind me. I waited until I heard Grace flip the locks, then jogged down the steps and out to my truck, hoping one of these nights soon I wouldn’t have to make myself leave.
Chapter 15
I sat staring out the front windows of the office, barely even seeing the street beyond, replaying The Kiss with Michael.
That’s how I thought of it, The Kiss, as if it were a momentous event in history or notable moment in time, because, in my life, it was.
That fact was a little sad, a little pathetic, but then again, it had been some kiss.
And Michael said he’d been waiting for it for a long time.
I wasn’t sure what he meant by that – how long was a long time? – but I was more than ready to make sure he didn’t have to wait as long for the next one.
The one I’d left him with no doubt that I wanted. My cheeks heated just thinking about it.
Not that his schedule was making it easy. It had been nine days since I’d seen him. Jamey and Kendrick had decided to go ahead and hire another cook for the pub but until they had someone in place, they were all running themselves ragged.
Mercy popped around the corner from her office and caught me daydreaming.
“I know that look,” she said, eyes gleaming. “Please tell me my favorite cousin is the cause. I promise I won’t say anything to him.”
“It’s...” I hesitated, then thought oh what the hell. Mercy was the closest thing I had to a female friend. Who else could I tell? “Yes, your favorite cousin is the cause.”
“Yes!” Mercy held her hand up for a high-five, which I gave her while shaking my head at her enthusiasm. “You two are perfect for each other.”
I laughed, still shaking my head. “Slow down, Mercy. We’re barely anything just yet.”