Page 21 of Holding Grace

“The apartment is great. I appreciate it and the job more than you know. I won’t make you regret it; I promise.”

I knew nothing about property management, but I’d learn. And most of all, I wouldn’t disappear into thin air again.

“I have no doubt of that,” Mercy said firmly. “In all seriousness – and I know Michael already told you this – but if anything happens, anything, that makes you think you’re in danger, tell us. Run if you feel you have to to keep yourself safe but let one of us know where you are and what’s happening. We’re all on your side, Grace. You have a whole group of people who are ready and willing to kick someone’s ass on your behalf if needed. Don’t you forget it.”

I couldn’t prevent the tears that sprang to my eyes. I nodded at Mercy, acknowledging her words as I swallowed hard, unable to get any words out.

“Alright then, now that you’ve seen the place, let’s go meet the boys at the warehouse and see what furniture we can come up with for you.”

Mercy started for the door, and I followed, taking one more look around my new home as I did so.

I was already more than half in love with it and I hadn’t even spent one night there yet. As we locked the door behind us and headed for Mercy’s car, I let myself hope that whatever happened next, I’d never again have to leave this place behind.

Chapter 9


“You’re screwed.”

I ignored Rycker’s comment for the moment as I stared towards Mercy’s car as it pulled up, distracted by the woman I knew was inside.

Not Mercy, even though she was my favorite – and only – female cousin. It was her passenger who had me tied in knots.

“What’s that?” I threw back at him.

“I said you’re screwed. She’s not even out of the car yet and you can’t keep your eyes off her.”

He wasn’t wrong. Still, I forced myself to focus on him instead of Grace, just for a second.

“Tell me something I don’t already know.” There was no point denying it. Ry might not say much, but he saw everything.

Not that I was trying to hide my fascination with Grace. Not from him, anyway. I was trying to keep it under wraps when Grace was around, so I didn’t overwhelm her or freak her out.

It wasn’t easy, but she wasn’t anywhere near ready for me to come on as strong as I wanted to. Eventually I wanted to be completely transparent with her, but jumping the gun would do more harm than good.

The sound of car doors opening had my head swinging back in the other direction as Ry chuckled.