I always turn back from the edge. I always cling to control.
Losing control means getting hurt.
“Kenzie...” Moira murmurs against my lips.
I close my eyes and grab a fistful of the blanket, squeezing hard to push the thoughts away.
I want this.
I asked for this. I begged for this. For once in my fucking life, I want to do something without keeping a constant eye on the consequences. I just want to let go.
But I can’t.
The nerves have crept in. The doubt is coiling around me, intercepting the haven of this room, of this blanket, of this girl who can make the whole world stop.
“Kenzie,” she says again, slowing her thrusts as her free hand comes up to frame my face again. “Hey. Hey, hey, hey.”
I take a shuddering breath and force my eyes open to look at her. Her bright green eyes bore into mine, her kiss-swollen lips forming my name.
“Kenzie, let go. Just let go for me.”
I should be shocked to have her read my mind, but I’m not. With her watching me like this, I feel connected, tied together, interwoven like two strands of the same thread.
She’ll lead me. She’ll make the leap for us both.
I just have to let go.
“Let go for me,” she says again, just as her fingers curl to reach even deeper inside me than before.
My back arches, baring my throat to her, and when she presses her lips to my neck, I can’t help crying out. She thrusts harder, faster, her thumb working in rapid circles back and forth over my clit. I’m tipping over the edge, clinging to the last inch of stability within my grasp.
“Let go.”
My hold slips, and I’m gone.
I could be falling. I could be flying. Those two words could mean the same thing. All I know is that I’ve broken into a million pieces scattering in every direction. There is no up or down. There is only me and Moira and the explosion shredding us both.
When the pieces finally fall back into place, they’ve shaped us into something new, something that can’t be undone.
“Come here.”
She pulls my shivering body to hers and kisses my forehead. I wrap my arms around her, clinging to her warmth.
Lydia nudges me with her elbow and leans over to whisper in my ear as the announcer on stage finishes handing out the last round of medals at SDOO’s February competition.
I’ve already received all of mine—just one less than Kenzie today. That should probably have me seething, or at least leave me twitching with irritation, but instead, my legs are all jittery for an entirely different reason.
I drum my heels against the floor, using the fidgeting as a distraction to keep me from craning my neck around to catch sight of Kenzie a few rows behind us in the auditorium. I’ve had to wage full-on war with myself to keep from gawking at her all day.
Now that I know what she looks like under her dance costumes, I can’t stop staring at her in them.
“Hey. Earth to Moira,” Lydia whisper-yells, loud enough to make a few parents turn their heads and throw some affronted glances our way.
“Huh?” I whisper back, waving my hand to get her to be quieter.