Page 6 of Endgame

That actually evoked a small smile from Wren as she introduced herself. Knight put an arm around each of them as Dani and Vicky walked up to them. “Ooh, more friends, Li?”

Lila laughed at his exuberance and at the stunned expressions from her roommates. “Yup. Knight, this is Vicky and Dani. Ladies, this is the Knight Patrick.”

“Nice to meet you.” Knight grinned, and Lila swore their panties melted right off. He dropped his arms and held out a hand to Lila. “Now, if you three will excuse Lila and me for a moment, I do believe she promised me a dance.” He motioned his head over to what Lila assumed was his front porch. “You ladies are welcome to head over to the house and grab a drink or whatever. We’ll meet you there?”

All Dani and Vicky could do was nod, and Wren smirked her signature smirk and smacked her friend on the ass. “See you two dancing queens in a few.”

Knight pulled Lila deeper into the crowd just as a remixed Dua Lipa song began. “All right, Li, let’s see your moves.”

Lila laughed as they danced together, Knight always maintaining a respectful distance. They even worked out a little routine which they performed once they realized a circle of people had formed around them.

“Hot damn, you’re fun.” Knight smiled as they made their way over to his house after a few songs. “I can see why he’s interested in you.”

“Wait, huh?” Lila sputtered. “What does that even mean?”

Knight winked and flicked a glance toward a solitary figure leaning against the side of the house. King.

“Hey Li, be a friend and see if you can actually get my boy over there to dance, will ya? He’s being so antisocial tonight, and I think you might be able to cheer him up. I’ll make sure your girls are good.”

“Um…you’re not, like, pulling a Jason so I’ll embarrass myself, are you?”

“I swear on a stack of footballs,” Knight intoned.

“Can you even stack footballs?”

Knight grabbed the bill of her cap and gave it a little shake. “Stop stalling and get your cute self over there.”

Lila split from Knight and shot Wren a quick text before heading over to the left side of the house. She tried to calm down her nerves and prayed she wouldn’t make a fool out of herself as she approached. His eyes assessed her silently.

“Having a fun time propping up the house?” she asked.

“Something like that.”

Lila leaned against the house so they were facing each other. “So why are you out here all by your lonesome? Hiding from all the jersey chasers?”

King’s laugh was short but made Lila’s stomach somersault nonetheless. “They are always lurking around at these things.”

“And you don’t like all that attention?”

“Not tonight.”

“Still gonna see if I can handle your dance moves? I’m pretty sure they’re playing ‘Get Low’ right now. I’d love to see you drop it like it’s hot.”

King chuckled and looked down at his feet before raising his eyes back to Lila’s. “Girl, I know you can’t. But I have a better idea. Follow me?” He pointed to the backyard of the house.

“You’re not planning on murdering me or anything, right?”

“Naw, I only murder on Mondays.”

“Nice call on the one-day-a-week murdering. And on the alliteration. It’s still a little too murdery for my personal taste, though.”

“Fair enough.” King pushed off the house and tilted his head. “You coming?”

Lila nodded, her eyes tracing the slope of his broad shoulders as he led her down the path that led to the backyard. There was a full moon out, so the night was surprisingly bright, which was helpful once they reached their destination.

From what Lila could see, there was a cement pad with a few chairs and a grill that was set up against the house, along with a small patch of grass that was surprisingly well maintained for a house full of college boys.

“Be back in a sec,” King said, launching up the couple of stairs to a back door. A porch light flicked on, bathing the backyard in soft light. He reemerged with a couple of water bottles in hand and gestured to a couple of lounge chairs that were set closely together.