Chapter 3
“Yo, Alexander, can you take two raspberry lemonades to table 18 for me? They need refills ASAP.”
Lila swerved to miss another server in the wait station and nodded to Jason, who was already hurrying off to take another table’s order. By the time she’d prepped the drinks and headed over to the booth in question, it was too late to realize that King was sitting at the table with another friend, who she was 99% sure was the starting quarterback for Bradley U’s football team.
Another thing she observed? The fact that they most definitely did not need refills. She slowed in her approach but realized it was too late to turn around. Jason was definitely going down for this once she caught the wily little waiter.
Backed into a proverbial (and literal) corner, she managed to arrange her face into some semblance of a smile, assiduously avoided eye contact, and set the drinks down in front of the two men anyway.
“Jason said you needed these…so here you go.”
King briefly glanced up at her nondescriptly, an amused spark flashing through his eyes, and before anything else embarrassing could happen, Lila quickly retreated back to the server station. She found Jason, doubled over in laughter, and gave him a shove.
“Thanks for having me embarrass myself like that. I super enjoyed it,” Lila sardonically remarked in reply to the laughter.
“Did they like their refills?” Jason could hardly get the words out. “Sorry, Alexander. I couldn’t help myself.”
Lila veed her fingers from her eyes to Jason’s and back again. “I’m watching you, Carter. And I’ll get you back when you least expect it.”
Jason just grinned the little mischievous grin that seemed to be a permanent fixture on his face before leaving to go talk to his friends.
Lila wandered into the back room, which had already been closed down for the night, where Wren was wrapping some silverware for the next day’s lunch shift. Both of their sections had been closed after the dinner rush, so they just needed to finish up their side work before clocking out.
Wren looked up as Lila let out a soft groan. She read Lila’s face like a book. “Let me guess… Jason made you run something to King’s table? And your sweet little shy heart almost burst with embarrassment?”
“Yup.” Lila grimaced. “Even better? It was drinks they didn’t need, so…”
“Jason is such a prankster. We’ll have to find a way to get him back.” Lila hummed in assent before Wren continued, “Speak of the devil…”
“And he shall appear,” Jason finished, poking his head into the room. “Hey Lila, can I borrow you for a second?” He slid into the room and held up his hands. “I promise there are no tricks this time. I just want to introduce you to King and Knight. Wren, you can come too, if you’d like.”
“Hard pass. And seriously, what the hell is up with your friends’ names, Carter? Like, are they all chess pieces or trust fund douchebags?” Wren questioned wryly.
“Be nice, Wrenny. It’s not his friends’ fault they have unironically chess-themed monikers. The blame should be upon the heads of the parents,” Lila quipped.
“As interesting as this all is, you need to stop stalling and follow me now,” Jason said. At Lila’s eye roll, he amended his words, saying, “Pretty please, with a cherry on top?”
“Fine.” Lila followed him through the French doors and around the bend to where his friends were sitting.
“Server girl,” the person who wasn’t King said, smilingly. His light-green eyes were a vivid contrast to his black hair. Lila had no doubt he made many a coed swoon just by looking at them. In fact, she felt a little weak in the knees herself, even as she was hyper aware of his silent, stony friend. “So sorry that our boy Jason decided to prank you on our watch. I’m Knight, by the way.”
“No worries. I’m used to his antics by now,” Lila replied shyly. “Besides, I’m sure he does worse to you all if you’re unlucky enough to be his roommates.”
She dodged out of the way just as Jason was about to hip check her. “And my name’s Lila. It’s nice to meet you, Knight.”
Knight’s grin widened as Jason diverted her attention to King. “Lila, this strong, silent type to our right is King.”
“Hi,” Lila said.
King gave her a slight head nod in response. A head nod. His expression wasn’t exactly unkind, but it definitely wasn’t interested either. At least that’s how it appeared to Lila. But his eyes were intently examining her, and she couldn’t look away.
Picking up on the awkward combination of silence and inexplicably intense eye contact, Knight reclaimed Lila’s attention. “So, Li—can I call you Li?” At her nod, he continued, “Are you planning on attending our big party next Friday?”
“The block party where you have to dress up all sporty?”
“That’s the one. We affectionately refer to it as Jock Jam, and it’s obviously the party to attend if you want to dance and have a good time.”
Lila’s face turned sheepish. “I wasn’t really planning on it… I’m not really that much of a dancer. Or a sports apparel wearer.”