Page 26 of Endgame

Lila tried not to let King’s awareness of her comfort light her up like a Christmas tree but miserably failed. “I’m ready for you to work me hard again, King. Fuck me, pretty please,” she cheekily replied with her best attempt at puppy dog eyes.

He laughed softly against her mouth, hoisted her up, and wrapped her legs around his waist. Without breaking a sweat, he led them up the stairs back to his room, where he made quick work of stripping her out of her clothes. She returned the favor, and soon they were on his bed, ferocious, passionate, and yes, loud, as he flipped her onto all fours and took her from behind.

Too soon, she was coming, hard, and she felt the weight of his collapsing body as he followed. Lila didn’t hate it. King kissed her between her shoulder blades before he carefully pulled out, going into his bathroom to throw away the condom. She was admiring his amazing ass when her phone buzzed.

Lila reluctantly rolled over to where her phone was lying on King’s nightstand. It was then she noticed she had about ten texts from Wren and a couple of missed calls.

“Shit,” she whispered.

“What?” King asked as he got back into bed and sidled up next to her. She rolled to her side so they were almost nose to nose. “Is there an emergency or something?”

Lila hummed. “Nothing like that. Wren’s just been calling and texting since last night. I hope she’s not worried.”

“She know you were coming over here?”

“Maybe,” she hedged, insecurity creeping in unbidden.

“Maybe?” King gently prodded. His brow was furrowed, just a little bit, almost like he was hurt.

She reached out to smooth the lines down on his face. “Okay, yes, I told her, just for safety purposes. But if you don’t want me to tell her we had sex, I won’t.” Lila’s gaze sank to the sheets. “If you want to keep things quiet, I mean.”

“You’re not a dirty secret, La.” He looked mildly offended at the idea, which surprised the hell out of her. “Neither am I.”

She sighed in relief. “Okay. I just wasn’t sure if this was a one-time thing or a secret thing or whatever. I mean, it’s fine if it is, I—”

King cut her off with a kiss that left her breathless.

“First off, this isn’t a ‘one-time thing.’ I’m pretty sure it’s already been a four-time thing. And I have no intention of stopping, not when it’s already this good. Do you?”


“Good,” he grunted.

“Glad that’s settled, then,” Lila deadpanned before shooting off a text to Wren, assuring her that she was alive and well and properly fucked.

“Wanna go get breakfast?” King asked as he absentmindedly ran his fingers from her shoulder down her arm and over the curve of her waist and hip.

Lila’s stomach growled in response, and they both laughed.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” He grinned.

“That’s a hell yes, apparently,” she responded.

They spent the rest of the day together, and it wasn’t until much later, when the sun had already set and King had walked Lila out to her car and was kissing the shit out of her while grinding on her against said car, that she fully realized the magnitude of the fact that this whole thing had an expiration date. She pushed the thought from her mind and decided that regardless of whatever the future held, what they had now was worth it, no matter the cost.

Chapter 14

King propped himself up on his pillows as he watched Lila braid her hair. It wasn’t the worst way to wake up, with a beautiful woman standing in front of him in the lacy matching underwear sets she’d started sporting more and more of since they’d started sleeping together. The blow job she’d given him a few minutes ago hadn’t hurt either. She’d kept her golden eyes on him the whole time, the intensity of it practically knocking the wind out of him.

He felt settled for the first time in his life. Though it had only been a couple of weeks since they’d taken things back up, they’d spent almost every night together. Much to King’s delight, Lila had become somewhat of a sex fiend, and he was more than happy to indulge her whenever the mood struck. Hell, he was actually relieved to discover that her drive seemed to match his. Because he wanted her all the damn time.

“Working on Saturdays is so boring,” King whined as Lila started to get dressed.

She smiled at him through the mirror that hung on his closet door. “But working during the day means I get to come to your game tonight, so…”

“I guess that’s an okay trade.” King stretched and then reluctantly got out of bed. He was naked and already half hard again, and he sauntered up to stand behind Lila. She took in his nakedness as he approached and made a frustrated sound.

“Tease,” she groaned, turning to face him. He kissed her and pressed his body against hers. “Ugh, I really don’t have time,” she sighed, reaching out to stroke his length as she kissed him back. Then, much to his dismay, she let him go and stepped out of his arms, moving around the room to gather her discarded clothes from the night before and grab her bag.