Page 15 of Endgame

“I think it’s inevitable, don’t you?” He again ran his fingers through the soft strands of her hair. “But not until you’re ready, of course.”

“Maybe. Probably,” Lila conceded. “But we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” She pointedly gazed down at King’s sizable erection. “Can I help you take care of that?” Her cheeks reddened. “Or…I could watch you take care of it yourself?” How she could ask such salacious questions so innocently was a mystery, but King was there for it.

“I don’t want you to feel pressured to take care of me. What just happened between us was all about you, but I enjoyed every minute of it.”

She teased the button fly of his pants with her index finger, her nails scraping over each button with a small metallic snick. “What if I want to make you feel good? What if it’s something that I’ll enjoy too?”

Damn, this woman. “If you want it, you can have it, baby,” King gritted out.

Lila gently unbuttoned his pants, her eyes zeroing in on the outline of his dick underneath his boxer briefs.

King pulled down the waistband of his underwear, freeing his erection.

“Whoa, King, you’re so…” Lila gulped. “Like, is that the normal size for a dick, or is yours an exceptional specimen?” She seemed to think about it for a minute. “I’m thinking it’s 100% the latter.”

“Lila, you always say the nicest things,” King replied with a chuckle. “You want to touch me?”

She nodded eagerly.

He removed his T-shirt, leaving his chest and torso bare. Then he guided her hand to him, showed her how he liked to be touched, and let his hand fall free. She used both of her small hands, using firm strokes that brought him to the edge much faster than anyone else ever had, himself included. Because it’s her. King pushed that thought away as Lila sped up the rhythm of her hands, and King felt his balls tighten.

“I’m so close, La. Don’t stop.” A moment later, he was coming all over his abdomen.

Lila looked fascinated by the mess they’d just created. Her eyes were wide, her breaths short, as she gazed down almost reverently, softly tracing a finger down the center line of his abs. When she put her finger in her mouth and sucked, her bright eyes locked with his, King growled, because where had this bold, sexual version of Lila come from?

“I like the way you taste, King.”

Dammit, she was killing him.

“Woman, if you don’t stop being sexy as all hell, I’m going to have to throw you in the back seat and fuck your brains out.”

Lila blushed, and it was fucking glorious. “I’m thinking that’ll probably be happening sooner rather than later.”

“But not tonight,” King said.

“Not tonight,” she agreed.

He used his shirt to clean himself up then threw on a hoodie that he’d stashed in his back seat. Then he drove her back to her place, dry humped her against her door for a good fifteen minutes, and then made plans to meet up with her for lunch the next day on campus.

And he couldn’t wipe the smile off of his face even if he tried.

Chapter 8

“Yeah, right there,” Lila moaned softly. “Ohhh, that feels so good, King. So. Good.” Her head rolled back to rest on the arm of the couch as she continued to make soft, satisfied noises.

King laughed as he continued to rub the arch of her foot. They were at his place, her feet in his lap. She’d just gotten done with a double shift and hadn’t sat down once in that entire 12 hours, so he offered to rub her feet.

“For real, King, if the whole soccer thing doesn’t work out for you, I think you just might be able to make a career out of massage therapy, with an emphasis on feet.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” he deadpanned. They’d been hanging out a lot the past few weeks, carving out time for each other around their busy schedules. In addition to school, Lila worked at least 30 hours a week, and King was in the middle of fall soccer season. His very sexy make-out buddy had come to most of the home games, usually with Wren in tow. He liked having her there, a lot, and appreciated that she didn’t try to get all over him in public like a lot of the other girls he’d hooked up with. The ones who came wearing his jersey, acting like he was going to wife them up or something. Though, he wouldn’t exactly mind if Lila showed up to a game wearing his jersey.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t come to your game today.” Lila’s voice broke him out of his head. “But I saw your stats. A hat trick, huh?”

“Second hat trick in a row, if we’re being technical about it.”

“So modest.”

“That’s me, Mr. Humility.” He started rubbing her calves, eliciting even more groans.