“You’re our destiny,” Scorpius said slowly like he was trying to hold himself back from sneering at me. “It is our life’s purpose to protect and cherish you. We exist to care for you. We need to pamper and touch our Revered.”
I blinked.
And punched him in the throat.
“How’s that for touch?” I asked. “Also, it looks like there’s no reason for you to be alive.” I smiled sarcastically. “Too bad. Might as well just end it all now.”
The paper towels burst into flames.
“You will let us care for you,” Scorpius said darkly as he massaged his throat then lunged toward me. His fingers wrapped around my throat and slammed me back against the mirrored wall. It cracked beneath me.
Personally, I was not feeling pampered, cherished, or protected.
Who was going to tell them?
The pressure hurt my sensitive back, but I refused to let any pain show on my face.
Nails gouged my skin.
“Good job of asking for forgiveness,” I spat as I kicked out and slammed my feet against his shins. “Really makes me want to be your mate. Not.”
Smoke streamed out of Malum’s nose. “You’re already our mate.” His voice rose, and he bellowed, “It is not a choice to be made!”
“Oh, really.” I widened my eyes like I was surprised, then drove my knee into Scorpius’s crotch. “It’s still going to be a no from me.”
Somehow the blind king moved quick enough to avoid my kick.
Scorpius pulled me forward and slammed me back against the mirror. I saw white spots from the pain streaking down my back.
Shards fell around my feet.
“If I need to hurt you before I can protect you”—Scorpius leaned close so his breath fanned my face—“then I’ll make it deliciously painful, Arabella.” He leaned forward and licked across my cheek.
Zips of pain did not streak down my back. Nope. Not at all.
“You’re disgusting,” I growled.
“Sweetheart, we just want to take care of you,” Orion whispered in my ear as he pressed his body against my side. Chocolate and raspberries overwhelmed my senses. He pushed at Scorpius and said, “Be gentle with her. She’s not like us.”
Scorpius dug his nails deeper into my skin.
Orion nuzzled his face against the side of my neck.
Malum stood behind them with a crown of red flames leaping off his shaved head. The bathroom became feverishly warm.
Orion slowly dragged his teeth down my sensitive neck at the same time Scorpius licked my face. I shivered.
Zips of pain shot down my spine.
“You’re ours,” Malum snarled roughly, and his erection tented his pants obscenely. “Our Revered.”
Orion palmed my breasts, and an inadvertent whimper whistled through my lips.
Everything was overly warm and hazy.
“Sweetheart,” Orion whispered reverently against my ear. “Let us care for you.”
Scorpius loosened his grip on my neck as he leaned his head forward. He nuzzled the exposed skin at the base of my throat, then bit down. Hard.