Must be nice.

“I see that fire ass still hasn’t gotten the psychological counseling he needs.” Sadie gestured to Malum. “I’d recommend you to Dr. Palmer, my and Aran’s therapist, but she told us that she was considering reporting us to the authorities.”

Orion narrowed his eyes at her, and Scorpius said something derogatory under his breath.

A flume of smoke trailed out of Malum’s nose as he exhaled.

“Sit down, you’re embarrassing our legion,” I snapped at Malum as I rubbed at my temples. I wanted to be back in bed, cuddling the twins.

Why in the sun god would Lothaire schedule a meeting at 4:00 a.m.? Who did that?

Malum pinned me with his steel-colored gaze, and a flush stained his cheeks. “So you can speak to us? It would have been nice if you’d acknowledged us the last fifteen times we’ve tried to talk to you.”

Not to get political, but men suck.

Leaning forward I buried my head in my arms and squished my face against the smooth table.

“Is the wind loud in here?” I asked petulantly.

“I didn’t hear anything,” Sadie pointed out helpfully as she went along with my joke.

The crackling noise increased as the chair burned hotter.

“You will fucking—” Scorpius began to snarl, but Luka cut him off and snapped, “Watch how you address our wife.”

“You’re not married yet,” Malum snapped back at him.

“Yet,” John said gleefully, and I could hear the smile on his lips.

He massaged the back of my skull, and I relaxed into his hands. Pinpricks of pain shot across the enchanted wound on my back, and I winced as I gently pushed John’s hand off my head.

The enchanted wound sucked when demon brew wasn’t obliterating my senses.

I made a mental note to get drunk.


“Sit down and shut up,” Jax alpha-barked, and I sat up straight. Even if we weren’t shifters, his commanding tone was like a punch to the gut, and it made me want to obey him.

For a long moment, Malum stood behind his flaming chair and stared Jax down.

Tension swirled across the long table.

Malum slowly took a seat, but his chair was still flaming behind him.

Jax’s tone was commanding as he spoke, “Lothaire said we need to read whatever is in these binders and begin to formulate a strategy for the war.” He opened the white cover. “We have a meeting to discuss our preliminary plans with the angels later today, so we need to be on the same page. Let’s start reading.”

“Don’t tell me what to do,” Malum snapped, but he opened his binder like the rest of us.

Big red letters spelling “CLASSIFIED” crossed the first page.

I swallowed thickly.

Memories of skin ripping as ungodly exploded out of villagers made my stomach roll. I didn’t want to know what was in this binder.

The page shook as I slowly turned it over with trembling fingers.

The top of the next piece of white parchment read, “Phase I: The ungodly have taken over Planet 003XF. The planet needs to be cleansed of all primitive inhabitants. They are all infected. It is mostly civilian ungodly. It is recommended that the champions complete this task by themselves and other resources are saved to handle the outposts of battle ungodly.”