“Pay attention!” Luka shouted in my ear, and I jumped with surprise.

Rolling my eyes, I crouched lower to protect his feet.

“The game is over,” Lothaire’s voice boomed. “The assassin legion lost.”

I made a sign of worship and thanked the sun god that my best friend had the power to turn people into mindless zombies.

A true blessing to us all.

I tried to stand up, but my knees gave out. Luka grabbed me as I stumbled, and my finger brushed against his nipple piercing.

Pain streaked across my back.

I pulled away roughly and turned my attention to the demons.

“Nice work,” Vegar grinned as he gave me a high-five.

“We make a good team.” I smiled back.

Zenith frowned, and the black lines retreated off his weapons and crawled back under his eyes. “I told you not to talk to me.” He looked angry, but the corner of his mouth twitched like he wanted to smile.

Vegar winked behind his back and gave me a thumbs-up.

“Whatever you say, buddy.” I tipped my imaginary hat at him.

It was obvious that he was suffering from low testosterone and didn’t know how to express his emotions properly.

He just needed to be handled with care.

“What the hell were you three doing out there?” Malum’s angry voice interrupted my musings. He looked furious.

Bronze muscles rippled, and his shaved head was on fire as he stalked across the grass toward us with Scorpius and Orion following behind.

“We were executing a winning plan,” I said with a grin, and Vegar gave me another high-five.

Luka mumbled under his breath, “The dumbest plan in history.”

Malum grabbed the demons by the shirt fronts and started yelling in their faces. Scorpius looked pissed beside him, and Orion stared at me with wide eyes.

I rolled my eyes and limped away from my teammates to where four powerful men were embracing Sadie.

She pushed out of their arms and grabbed me just as I collapsed.

“You’re the prettiest, most impressive woman in all the realms,” I whispered as I lost consciousness from blood loss.

Sadie held me tightly and said, “I know.”

Then everything went black.

Chapter 34



Metamorphosis—Day 46, hour 1

“AHHHHHH!” I screamed as I arched my back off the makeshift cot.