She’d never looked worse.

“She’s strong and beautiful,” the idiot whose lips were still smoking snarled at me.

“It’s not your place to say,” Scorpius sneered. “A pathetic commoner like yourself should shut his fucking mouth and learn his place.”

Both my mates leaned forward like they were going to leap across the table and attack.

“Leave, you’re causing a commotion,” Vegar snapped at the men as black lines expanded under his eyes.

I nodded in agreement.

Lately the demons seemed to be the only rational people.

But of course, the three men ignored him and kept staring at their queen.

I debated the merits of lighting them fully on fire. No one would care if they were gone. I could tell.

“Thanks for—” Arabella waved her hand in the air. “—whatever this was. But you can go back to your seats. I, uh…” She trailed off like she was searching for the right words. “Appreciate your devotion to the crown.”

“Of course, Your Highness.” They dropped into a fresh round of bowing. “We will defend your honor to the school.”

Finally, they walked away and left us.

The rest of the meal was a test of my already frayed patience.

John cracked jokes about Arabella’s honor while she laughed back and made comments about finally getting the recognition she deserved.

When the debacle of a meal was finally over, I nearly screamed with relief.

I’d said earlier that we needed to train, but from the way Orion and Arabella both swayed on their feet, what we needed was more rest.

As we passed the other legion tables on our way out, the angel with heterochromia muttered something under his breath.

Scorpius leaned closer. “He just called her ‘sinful blood.’ Any idea what that means?”

I shook my head and made a mental note to question him.

Did he know something about Arabella, besides the tattoo, that would explain why our mating song was quiet?

“What are we doing now?” Vegar asked me when we were in the hall.

“Rest,” I said.

Arabella sighed. “Thank the sun god.” And John high-fived her.

With every step back to our room, I regretted my decision.


Lightning illuminated John and Arabella. Arms thrown over each other’s shoulders, they walked in tandem. Leaned on each other. Whispered in each other’s ear.

Had they always been this insufferably close? I remembered them hanging on to each other during training in the sea, and I knew they’d shared a cot, but I hadn’t realized they’d gotten so close.

It didn’t escape my notice that waiting for us in the room were only three beds because the other mattresses had been ripped into makeshift cots on the floor.

The two of them were going to be cuddling all night.

My ire mounted.