I relaxed into her tight embrace and said, “The energy in here is way better than my room. Our room had a lot of choking and spitting going on. Very creepy.”

Ascher coughed aggressively at my words, and all four men turned to stare at me.

Xerxes opened his mouth like he was going to ask for an explanation, but then he shook his head like he didn’t want to know.

“Sounds fun.” Sadie winked aggressively. “So why are you here?”

I pulled my tangled hair forward and showed her the knots. “It’s a ridiculous mess. I tried to fix it for tomorrow, but I made it worse. I was hoping you could help?”

Sadie stared at my hair, then at my face. A wide grin split her cheeks. “I thought you’d never ask. Since you’ve given me makeovers, I’ve been wanting to return the favor.”

“Please, we both know I’m already perfect-looking,” I said seriously. “Meanwhile you had a unibrow when we first met.”

Sadie laughed.

Who was going to tell her I wasn’t joking?

Really, I wasn’t in any position to judge. Lately I’d looked more like a rabid raccoon than a woman.

My eyes were so bloodshot they were more red than blue, and the dark circles below them complemented my sickly pale complexion.

Yesterday when I’d seen my reflection in the bathroom, I’d been tempted to bang my head into the wall. A little forehead blood would really round out the “I am mentally crumbling” vibe.

But I didn’t.

It seemed like too much work.

Now I sat down on the carpet, and Jax and Sadie settled on either side of me.

Jax gave me pointers for curly hair as they both painstakingly untangled my knots with water and a comb. After the blue mass was detangled, they each grabbed a section of my hair and pulled it into a French braid.

They were extremely gentle, and I relaxed as Sadie went on and on about random topics.

At one point she sniffed my hair and said, “I forgot you smelled like icy death. It’s a unique scent.”

I yawned. “In a sexy way though, right?”

Sadie sniffed again and made a face. “Maybe? I need to get closer and smell you more.”

Cobra whipped his head around. The jewels embedded in his skin turned into shadow snakes and his eyes flashed with violence as he glared at us.

We both giggled.

After Sadie dramatically sniffed my neck to annoy her unhinged mate, I asked her how she felt about seeing Dick.

She smiled and reassured me she really didn’t care. She felt nothing when she saw him and she’d made her peace with the events of her childhood.

I didn’t understand how she could say that.

Maybe she was just a better person, but my gut cramped as she talked about him with nothing but forgiveness in her eyes.

She believed what he’d told her.

Sadie let the past go.

I dug my fingernails hard into the palm of my hands.

I didn’t care what Dick said to explain himself. You didn’t whip a child for the greater good. There was no such thing as casual abuse. He hurt her. Violently. Repeatedly.