Instead of tasting him, I dipped my head lower so he couldn’t see my face and whispered, “I know you’re not really super sweet and nice.”
Images played in my mind: him snapping a man’s neck, fighting ungodly like a machine, holding my legs while his mates pushed me under the water in the bathhouse, whispering I was his toy after he kissed me.
I might act stupid, but I wasn’t dumb.
Warm muscles went hard as steel beneath me, and a long moment passed, but Orion didn’t dispute what I’d said.
Not that I’d thought he would.
He’d watched his mates force-feed me and choke me. He’d watched them punch me. Repeatedly. They called me their slave, and he said nothing.
You couldn’t be a bystander and still play the sweet hero.
It didn’t work that way.
His transgressions were piling up.
I shivered as I stared into his eyes with long dark lashes. He was so pretty that it almost hurt to look at him.
Even his beauty was scary.
Lately, I couldn’t stop thinking about how he’d told me he wanted me to be his toy. There were red flags, and then there were giant glowing signs that said “beware, this man is not good for you.”
Lush lips traced against my forehead.
I ignored the streaks of agonizing pain that exploded across my back.
Lips trailed gently across my eyelids.
Callused fingers tipped my chin, so I stared up into smoldering brown eyes.
His mouth pressed softly against mine.
A featherlight touch.
Orion breathed into my lips, “No, sweetheart, I’m not nice.”
I didn’t pull away and slap him across the face like I should have. I tipped my head back further and greedily pressed against him.
It made sense.
It was time to stop being self-aware, whatever I did was none of my business.
Unlike on the dance floor, Orion didn’t kiss me like he was trying to consume me. His lips were painstakingly gentle like he was trying to make a point. Like he was trying to show me he could be the good guy.
I tasted the lie.
“Who are you really?” I asked midkiss, then swallowed a moan as his tongue dragged across my mine.
Instead of explaining himself, Orion whispered, “I think you already know,” as he continued to melt my brain.
His cryptic words made my gut twist with premonition.
Because I did know, and I didn’t like it. Although, maybe I did? I couldn’t remember why I was supposed to avoid the villain.
Orion’s gentle fingers tightened, and he squeezed my chin so I couldn’t yank my head out of his gasp.
The sweet kiss turned ravenous. Angry.