There was a snarl and a loud splashing noise as Arabella stumbled. Her voice dripped with venom as she panted and said, “Thanks for the reminder. I forgot I’m just a hole to you, Malum.”

“Oof,” Zenith said under his breath.

Orion winced, and a strange sensation tied up my stomach.

Corvus didn’t share any misgivings. His voice was hard as he said, “Damn right. That’s what you are. And you’re not even a good one at that.”

“Sun god,” Vegar groaned.

My Revered preferred a more manipulative approach than my Ignis when dealing with people. This time, I had to agree with him.

Corvus’s anger was too uncontrolled around the girl.

He was uncomfortably abrasive.

Instead of falling apart like I expected, Arabella asked loudly, “How does it feel?”

“How does what feel?” Corvus’s voice was harsh.

“I’m not talking to you. I’m asking the others,” Arabella said haughtily. “How does it feel to have chosen a misogynistic, ugly fucktard without a single functioning brain cell to be your captain?”


I almost grinned at her creativity. Almost. But she’d insulted my Ignis with her words.

No one breathed.

Corvus’s voice vibrated with violence as he said, “I was going to have us stop after this lap, but it looks like we’ve got another nine miles to go thanks to Arabella’s whining.”

He started to sprint.

Chapter 12



The Legionnaire Games: Day 13, hour 5

No one complained when Corvus ordered us to run more.

The pace picked up.

“Good. I actually wanted to run more,” Arabella said like she was unconcerned.

Corvus snapped back, “Perfect. Now shut the fuck up.”

She gasped with outrage and mumbled about someone named Mitch.

Heat burned my left arm where my Ignis had reached out and gripped me for support. Flames licked against my skin.

I welcomed the burn.

Nine miles later, which made thirty-nine miles total, Corvus ended the run.

All of us were panting, and not a single word had been spoken for the last nine miles. The energy between Corvus and Arabella was volatile.

“We’ll do another thirty miles tomorrow, just for Arabella,” Corvus said darkly. “It’s time for dinner. We can shower afterward.”