You didn’t mess with an angry bear.
Jinx rolled her eyes and said, “Plans change. We both know my talents were wasted at that childish institution.”
She studied her cuticles like she was bored, and my heart swelled with pride. Jinx had learned that mannerism from me.
Jax shook her and said, “It is the top university in the beast realm. I’m not arguing with you. You’re going back to stay with your sisters. Now!”
“No.” Jinx smirked and pointed at me. “If Aran can compete, then I’m more than qualified. Remember when she was afraid of our fireplace?”
Malum turned around in front of me and raised his brow questioningly as he glanced down at the red flames playing across his fingers.
Never mind, my heart was not swelling.
No pride.
Jinx looked me straight in the eyes and said, “You better pull yourself together for this competition. I don’t have time for your theatrics.”
A leviathan member made a strangled sound as he tried to conceal his laughter.
It was too bad that I was going to have to murder a child.
Jax pushed Jinx into Sadie’s arms and stomped out of line toward Lothaire. Warren licked his hairy armpit. All the legions stared with wide eyes and open mouths.
Jax shouted over the wind, “Send her back now or we’ll walk away!”
The psychotic vampyre I was allegedly related to (I had seen no proof, so I was pretending there was still a chance he was just a stranger), pulled out his baton and smacked it against his hand.
Sparks leaped.
I took a step forward to warn Jax, but John grabbed my arm and held me back.
We all knew intimately what happened when you messed with Lothaire and his baton.
You got your ass beat.
The gold jewelry in Jax’s long braids tinkled as he vibrated with rage. “If you don’t send her back this minute, then we refuse to compete. She will not be fighting in any war.”
Lothaire narrowed his single eye.
He said calmly, “If you walk away, then you’re signing your death warrant, and the gods will still make her compete. She’s destined to fight in the war. You have no choice. You’re not an individual with freedom of choice. You’re a legion that has been selected to represent the gods. Tread carefully.”
Jax’s gray eyes glowed signaling that he was close to shifting. “This is not fair. She’s my little sister. She’s just a child.”
Sadie nodded vehemently.
Lothaire glanced over at me, and something soft flashed across his face.
The expression disappeared.
Lothaire said harshly, “The gods don’t care about fairness. She’s qualified, so she’s your substitute. If you don’t want her to have to compete, then don’t become indisposed.” He cracked his baton against his hand. “Now get in line or the child you’re so worried about will have to watch you get beaten before she’s forced to take your place.”
Jax’s muscled body began to expand, and I held my breath.
Just when I thought violence would break out, Jax whirled around with a roar and stalked back to stand in line.
“Hold me back,” he said, and Sadie and Cobra immediately wrapped their arms around him.