Neither man said anything else. Pussies.
Lothaire said, “The leviathan legion.”
Seven average-looking men entered.
They differed from the other competitors. No wings, tattoos, fire, or unnaturally large bodies. Most of the men were short, almost Sadie’s size, and they didn’t look that powerful.
Leviathans were rumored to be a secretive race that turned into monstrous beasts. Their unassuming nature was a disguise which lured in their prey.
In history, almost every famous rampaging serial killer had been a leviathan.
Not my type. Pass.
As they fell into line next to the devils, one of the short men smiled at me. He looked nice.
I moved closer to John.
Smiling men always creeped me out.
“The assassin legion,” Lothaire announced.
Four pale women entered next, and like the leviathans, they were short, but they sure as shit weren’t average-looking.
They moved like wraiths, gliding over the air.
If I wasn’t a raging heterosexual, we’d totally make love.
As they were clad in all black, with dark features and bony builds, it was hard to look at them. My eyes kept bouncing over them as they blended into the background.
They slinked toward the tree.
My brain struggled to comprehend that they weren’t just silhouettes.
They stopped in front of Lothaire and bowed deeply. “Nice to be back, sir. We’ve missed the program.”
Lothaire’s lips pulled up. “You’re still the best recruits I’ve ever had.” He pointedly looked over his shoulder and glared at us.
We stared back.
None of us were offended by his words because he’d already told us we were the most powerful people he’d ever trained.
However, the assassin legion moved to the top of my list of people to avoid.
Who would ever miss drowning in the ocean and getting boulders thrown at them? Not people I wanted to be around.
Thank the sun god, it was a relief to not be the first woman in the assassin program.
I wasn’t born to be a trailblazer. I was born to kill men and suffer.
The assassins were lined up on the other side of the angels, and it was comical, the contrast between the two groups. Like shadows next to glistening diamonds.
One of them I could barely see.
The other group was mesmerizing.
I’d thought our legion would be a shoo-in for the assassin position in the war, but now I wasn’t so sure. Something told me these women could kill me before I knew they were present.
“Finally, our last group,” Lothaire said.