John furrowed his brow and asked, “Why, Mitch?”

I smirked. “Male bitch.”

We both chuckled.

Flames crawled up the sword tattooed on Malum’s neck as he glared down at us.

Lothaire looked over midspeech, and we all snapped our backs straight and looked forward like we were paying attention.

Sweat streaked across my temple.

Malum was uncomfortably close on my other side, and his skin was burning up, little flames multiplying and spreading across his skin.

Steel eyes flashed as he glared down at me.

Turning my head discreetly to the side, I stood on my tiptoes and whispered loudly in John’s ear, “Have you noticed that Malum’s looking very bloated today?”

When I stood on my toes, I was over six feet tall and John was the perfect height for gossiping.

Something sizzled.

It took me a moment to realize the arm of my sweatshirt was on fire.

I patted it out with a smirk on my face.

Pissing off Malum was quickly becoming a hobby. There was something about upsetting a bully with control issues that made me infinitely happy.

He swore viciously under his breath.

I stared forward.

He might call me his slave, but the tattoos bound all of us together. The poor egotistical megalomaniac couldn’t see the obvious.

I was better at battle analysis.

By the end of this, one of us was going to be on their knees.

It wouldn’t be me.

I tuned back into Lothaire’s speech as he said, “We will now welcome the other legions to our academy.”

Damn. That was quick.

Servants rushed from the shadows and pulled open the heavy iron doors.

Five lines of people waited in the hall, and even from a distance, I could feel the power radiating off them.

“The angel legion,” Lothaire announced.

One line walked forward into the silent hall.

Four men and four women sauntered forward. They each had a different hair and skin color but were all built tall, lithe, and gorgeous. Broadswords were strapped across each of their backs.

As they marched forward, shimmering wings erupted out of their backs.

Students oohed and aahed.

Gaped at them with wide eyes.