And walked backward across the room to put space between us.

The other recruits were standing with their legs parted. Heads down. Arms behind their backs respectfully.

I adopted the same position.

Lothaire kept talking to me like we were having a conversation. “You are strong, daughter. We can use this to your advantage. Being in a legion has many benefits. I’ve thought about it, and everything is working out for the best.”

I nodded as I stared at the floor.

Lothaire had made his choice.

I was making mine.

“This is good, Arabella.” There was a note of desperation in his voice.


When it became clear that I wasn’t going to respond, Lothaire addressed the rest of the room, “This legion is an honor for each one of you. You’ll be connected to one another for the rest of your immortal lives. You’ll be stronger together. Unbeatable.”

The flames screamed.

Lothaire waited for an answer.

“Whatever you say, sir,” I said in a monotone voice.

Lothaire flinched like I’d hit him. “I swear you will know peace one day, my daughter, but it must be earned with blood and pain. That is how our world works and sheltering you won’t change that fact.”

I replied in a monotone voice, “Yes, sir.”

Horace’s desperate gurgles as I stabbed him.

Tara’s sightless eyes.

A snap of a finger, the half warriors dead.

“WHORE” carved into my flesh.

Villagers grunting as they died.

Anxiety and depression consuming me.

The slave tattoo on my hip.

Fighting monsters in the shifter realm.

Mother’s endless flames burning but never leaving any marks.

“Of course, sir,” I whispered, “You’re correct. I have not known suffering.”

Lothaire’s ability to forget that he’d left me with my mad mother was inspiring and convenient. He claimed he cared. Yet he didn’t care enough to see the truth right in front of him?


There was no room for him in my life.

Some relationships require a lot of patience and forgiveness. Sadly, I’m not a good person and I don’t care.

Sadie had shown me what it was like to be unequivocally cared for, loved without expectation, and accepted without judgment.