John slapped his hand over his mouth to muffle his laugh.

I drew on my inner fae bitch and whispered dramatically to John, “He probably has a heavy flow, but is one of those weak bitches who refuses to use an enchanted period cup because he passes out at the sight of blood.”

I’d listened to elite fae women talk for hours at the palace balls and had learned a lot from them.

Men thought they were so big and scary, but a gossiping woman was evil incarnate. They knew how to eviscerate a person with a few words. I aspired to be like them.

John choked.

Scorpius clapped and said, “That’s a better insult. Still not great though.”

Unsurprisingly, Malum’s red flames shot higher into the air.

Orion still hadn’t blinked.

Sadly, before Malum could light us all on fire and end the misery that was known as existence, Lothaire walked into the room and distracted everyone.

Lothaire asked, “What’s going on here?”

I studied my cuticles. “Malum needs a tampon.”

There was a long moment where my vampyre sire—the only man I’d ever call Daddy was my fictional lover who’d raze the realms for me—stared at me like he was trying to figure out if I was being serious.

“Is this a daughter thing?” he asked slowly. “Do you need sanitary products?”

I blew out a smoke gun.

And shot myself in the forehead.

I was twenty-four, not twenty-five; obviously, I hadn’t started ovulating yet. Men were ignorant, dumb, ugly creatures.

Frankly, I was done interacting with them.

It wasn’t good for my constitution.

John’s shoulder shook, and he slapped his other hand over his mouth to muffle his laugh.

Scorpius sneered something under his breath. Both Malum and I opened our mouths to speak.

Lothaire held up his hand.

No one spoke.

His brutal training was so ingrained in us you could instantly hear a pin drop. We barely breathed.

I half-expected him to whip out his baton and start beating us all bloody in a rampage.

Lothaire pinched the bridge of his nose. “Let’s forget whatever just happened. We have something important to address.”

“Coward,” I mumbled under my breath.

Personally, I respected him more when he attacked us. But maybe that was just me.

He turned to the kings. “First, I want to confirm that you will do everything in your power to keep my daughter safe like you promised. Otherwise, you’ll never find your mate.”

Malum’s chest rose and fell as he breathed harshly.

“Am I understood?” Lothaire’s voice cracked like a whip.