He squawked back, which roughly translated to, I love you Momma, and pecked harder to show me his devotion. Or maybe he was summoning Hades, the legendary king from the Olympus realm renowned for his ferocity.

You could never tell these days.

John wrapped his arms around my shoulders and strangled me—that or he was giving me a hug?

I honestly couldn’t tell.

His technique was horrible, and he exerted just enough pressure to make me feel weird.

“What are you doing?” I thumped against the hard muscles on his back.

John ruffled my hair. “Um, I’m hugging my bestie? Don’t be so dramatic.” He whispered conspiratorially, “Wait, are you on your period?”

I prayed for death.

“Just because I’m a woman,” I scoffed, “you think I have my period? You sexist pig. Fae don’t ovulate until they’re twenty-five, and I’m only twenty-four. Duh.”

Now that I knew my sperm donor was a vampyre, I had confirmation that I’d gotten my powers from my mother.

All along I’d hoped I was something special, but it turned out I really was just a failure of a water fae. It was pretty obvious, since I looked so much like Mother.

Still, it was good to have closure. My lack of fae ears had given me hope. Mother had probably just cut off the tips when I was a baby because she was mad.

I mean, the woman had been clinically insane.

No judgment though.

We all struggled.

Except, maybe judgment because she’d lit me on fire every night for years?

At least she’d been consistent. It was hard to find people with discipline these days.

John pursed his lips as he continued to half hug, half strangle me. “So you don’t have your period. You’re just being a bitch?”

I punched him in the throat.


Horse cawed with excitement and flew into the wall with such speed he dissipated, because he wasn’t the brightest.

John didn’t gasp for air—proper throat-punching decorum—instead, he arched a brow and jumped up with his elbow extended.

Six and a half feet of male slammed me into the overly squishy mattress, and I saw stars.

John might only be a human, but he was thick. The boy knew how to eat, and it felt like a five-hundred-pound weight was smothering me.

“You oaf. Get off,” I snapped as I tried to choke him with my thighs.

John wrapped an arm round my throat and squeezed. “You’re being like super bitchy right now.”

“Gonna shmove a bitch down yourst throatm.” I raked my long nails down his arm aggressively.

“Don’t be such a girl.” He grinned and didn’t let up. “It will seriously ruin the vibe of our friendship.”

My nails pulled out a chunk of his flesh, and he paused.

I used his surprise to kick him in the balls.