“Father actually demanded we unite with you after we gave him your name. You’re wearing the Necklace of Death, and it is the only one in all the realms. Many people have died to possess its beauty.” John winked cheekily. “It reminds me of you.”
Luka pointed to my bracelet.
“And that is the Bracelet of Power. They both are rumored to bring their wearer glory. It’s glorious, just like you.”
My face warmed impossibly hot.
“Wow,” I whispered.
The precious stones burned where they lay across my flesh.
“Aran, will you be the wife of the Princes of Darkness?” John asked softly as he looked up at me with wide eyes.
“Please,” Luka finished for him.
The world was shades of suffocating gray.
Time kept slipping through my fingers.
Nothing made sense half the time.
But they made sense.
For once in my life, I wanted to be someone’s first choice. I was tired of fighting against people.
I wanted people standing by my side.
“Yes,” I blurted out impulsively as tears spilled down my cheeks. As soon as I said the words, a sense of calm washed over me. It felt right.
I threw myself into their warm arms. “I’ll be your wife.”
“What?” Malum roared and tried to pull me away from them. “No, you can’t accept it. I let that charade go on because I knew it didn’t matter. You’re our Revered.”
Standing tall, the twins shoved me behind them protectively.
My twins.
Darkness glimmered around them.
“You can’t bond with them,” Scorpius sneered beside Malum. “You’re ours. We know we messed up, and we’ll make it up to you. But this. This can’t happen.”
Orion nodded as Malum smoldered.
I smiled over John’s shoulder at the kings, eyes still watering from emotions, and said, “I already told you. I refuse to be your Revered. I accept their proposal. Get over it.”
John turned around and pulled me into his arms.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and buried my face in his neck. Luka hugged my back and sandwiched me between them.
Malum exploded into flames as he hurled expletives at me, and his mates held him back.
“Dude, I really love you,” John whispered.
I peppered kisses across his jawline and asked, “Bestie, are we worried that we’re acting rashly?”
“Fuck no,” John snarled with uncharacteristic vehemence. “You’re everything to me. Do you think I hold everyone up in the freezing ocean for hours?”
Luka grunted in agreement and said gruffly, “We’ve only ever felt this way for you.”