Luka took a step closer and flanked me on the other side.
Their body heat chased away the chilly air.
I leaned closer to the twins and relaxed into their friendly embrace.
“Will you accept this?” Luka pulled a glittering diamond bracelet out of his pocket.
The diamonds were stunning and bright and dripped with black jewels.
I fingered the cold weight of John’s necklace; I’d honestly forgotten I’d been wearing it.
He looked so unsure and earnest that I smacked his shoulder with a grin and said, “Of course, I’d never turn down diamonds. I’m not dumb.”
Luka beamed down at me.
I almost staggered backward from the amount of happiness radiating off the normally stoic man.
“That’s not all we wanted to ask,” John said as he stepped away from me and stood beside his twin. Standing side by side, they were physically identical, but their energy was like night and day.
You could see it in the way they held themselves.
John’s posture was loose, like he was aloof and perpetually unbothered by life. Luka stood ramrod straight. His muscles were tight like he was ready to fight at any second.
Both their cheeks turned pink as they stared at me.
Then they fell to their knees in tandem.
John’s voice shook as he said, “Aran, will you accept our betrothal jewelry and agree to link your life with ours in love? For all of eternity?”
I blinked.
“What?” I whispered as confusion filled me.
Luka raked his hand through his messy dark hair and stared up at me like I meant everything. “We were bound by an obligation somewhere else, but we’ve been released from our obligation to pursue our true love. Our future wife.”
I pressed my hand to my chest.
“Um, are you sure?” I asked incredulously. “You know a war is coming, right?”
My heart was pounding against my sternum.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” John said in a serious tone. “We want to be by your side, no matter the circumstances.”
I forgot how to breathe.
John grinned bashfully. “As you’ve probably guessed, bestie, we’re only part human.” He winked and flashed his dimples. “If you want to get technical.”
I blinked rapidly.
“We’re the Princes of Darkness,” Luka said.
John nodded and looked chagrined. “We’d tell you more, but then we’d have to kill you.” He winked, then his expression fell. “But this isn’t some scheme to bond with you and get out of our duties. We’ll always have obligations elsewhere. It’s just we both met you and knew that we didn’t want to be away from you.”
Luka stared at me intently. “We couldn’t do it.”
“Plus”—John smiled—“we have lots of cousins, and none of the kings or queens in our family had approved a betrothal request. They always found them lacking.”
“Until you,” Luka said.