A familiar look.
I pressed a kiss to the top of Sadie’s forehead, and all three of the kings doubled forward like I’d punched them.
I rolled my eyes and covered her face with kisses.
Sadie moaned dramatically like she was getting aroused, and I gently kicked her to make her knock it off.
“So hot,” she mumbled like a moron.
Malum moaned pitifully like I was torturing him, and I swallowed down laughter. It was too easy with them.
Horse screamed expletives and flapped aggressively on my shoulder.
I agreed with his sentiment.
Malum bit down on his lower lip like he was physically trying to stop himself from screaming at me. Scorpius stared at Horse with wide eyes, and Orion winced and rubbed at his arm.
“As much as I enjoy this little moment,” I said sarcastically, “I also don’t like it. Like, at all. For the tenth time, let me be very clear. I am not your missing mate. I hate the three of you.” I enunciated each word like I was talking to a child, “You were not nice to me. You started to treat me kind of okay, and then you left me to suffer as it rained glass.” I scoffed. “Then you accused me of being a liar.”
I narrowed my eyes like I was thinking. “I believe there was something about putting my body on a spike in front of a shack?”
Malum blanched and he looked like he was going to be sick. His bronze face paled.
He looked distraught.
“I will never be your mate,” I said cruelly.
Malum’s wide shoulders expanded as he fisted his hands and took a step toward me.
Flames shot out of his mouth as he spat, “It doesn’t work that way. You’re our Revered, which means it’s our life purpose to protect you.” He clenched and unclenched his fists. “Even if you’re a woman and an angel. You’re ours. I said certain things in the heat of the moment that I regret. It will never happen again.”
Scorpius nodded. “You don’t understand. You’re the center of our mate bond. We were born to cherish you. You’re our purpose.”
Who bought their crap?
I pointed at Orion as I glared at Malum. “I thought he was your purpose for living? Two weeks ago, you didn’t hesitate to sacrifice me to save him.”
All three of them made wounded noises.
“No offense,” I said to Orion. “I honestly don’t hold that against you, since they—” I mimed punching myself in the head and stuck my tongue out like I was dead.
Warm brown eyes widened, and he took a step toward me.
His stunning features looked sad, and it broke my heart to step away from him.
But someone had to do it.
I shook my head, and Sadie stumbled as I pulled her back with me. “But I still am not interested in being your mate.” I waved my fingers at them. “The three of you can find someone else.”
“It doesn’t work that way,” Malum snarled through gritted teeth.
He dragged his hands over his shaved head like he was losing his shit. The dagger tattooed on his neck glinted. Pink petals floated across Orion’s collarbone, and I was 90 percent sure the eye on Scorpius’s neck winked at me.
I took another step backward and said, “We have a working relationship and nothing else. We’ll remove the slave tattoo, win the war, and part ways.”
“No,” Orion said loudly, and the lyrical note echoed around the arena.