But there was no scent of gunpowder. No gore.
Enchanted fireworks sparkled all around, and students cheered and streamed onto the field.
Bodies everywhere.
Competitors moved around me as they congratulated one another and gossiped about the war.
Frozen in time, I dissociated from myself.
Colors and textures disappeared.
Everything blurred.
A soft hand on my neck pulled me down, and I broke my staring contest with the ocean.
Large ruby eyes leaned close to my face.
“Thanks for saving Jinx,” Sadie whispered brokenly. “They showed us the film, and I can’t believe we came so close to losing her.”
I inhaled enchanted smoke and exhaled slowly. “It wasn’t like I had a choice,” I mumbled.
Sadie threw her arms around me and buried her head in my shoulder. She trembled against me as tears soaked my sweatshirt, and she whispered softly, “I don’t want to go to war.”
I held her tighter. “Same, bitch.”
“I’m too pretty for war,” she whined.
I nodded in agreement and said sarcastically, “Military uniforms have never been my style. I don’t have the boobs for a slutty soldier look. It will make me look too boxy.”
Sadie gasped on a watery sob. “I just want to read smutty books and have family dinners. Maybe stab a couple of people who deserve it and call it a day. Not lead a war.”
She cried harder, and I shook.
“Don’t laugh at me,” she wailed pathetically.
I couldn’t hold back the noise that exploded from my lips. “Sorry, I know it’s a serious moment.”
Sadie sobbed louder. “We’re all gonna die.”
“That is the goal. Why are you crying so violently?” I asked between chuckles.
“This is not helping, Aran,” Sadie whined pitifully. “I’m trying to have a moment.”
I snorted. “Is this because you’re technically not the only champion anymore? Are you having a pity party because you’re not special?”
“A little bit.” Sadie smiled against my shoulder.
We chuckled at the joke as we hugged each other like touch alone could save us.
“Can you two stop embarrassing me?” Jinx snapped her fingers in my face. “Seriously, people are looking, and I’m tired of being asked if my mothers are lunatics.”
We pulled back to stare up at her.
Jax grinned down at us as he gave Jinx a piggyback. Where her leg had been was a stump with a white bandage, but other than that, she looked healthy and hale.
Well, as healthy as a five-foot-tall emaciated pale maniac could look.
“People think we’re your mothers. Me and Aran?” Sadie asked incredulously. “They actually think the two of us created you?”