The sea shimmered crimson as light sparkled across water.

It was pretty.

“The gods are bound by higher oaths to protect all sentient life,” Lyla’s soft voice rang across the silent arena. “Unfortunately, in this case, that includes the ungodly. Their hands are tied.”

People blanched and whispered.


Lyla paused, then said, “But the gods have not invested in our realms just to watch us fall. Gods cannot kill. But we serve them, and we can.”

Her green hair glowed. “Today I will announce the players in this war. Tomorrow they will lead armies.” Her voice rose. “Today I will name their roles. Tomorrow they will stand in front of our civilization and protect us from this threat. Today they pick up the mantle of leadership. Tomorrow, they bleed to defend us all.”

Another wave crashed.

Foam gripped the rocks as it clung desperately to land and as it was dragged violently back into the churning sea.

“Behold these men and women!” Lyla flung her arms wide in our direction.

Students clapped thunderously as they gave us a standing ovation.

Legions shuffled into straighter lines as everyone stood taller. Pulled back their chests with pride.

I hunched lower. Blew out a smoking crow that settled on my shoulder. Talons stabbed through cloth and pinched my skin.

“First, the gods viewed the showcase as a success. The gods have chosen the shifter legion and academy legion to be their champions, with the understanding that the child will be separated from the kings on the battlefield.”

The cheering increased, and it reminded me of the screams of the dying.

I looked over at where Jinx was holding on to Jax’s back.

The child was Jinx and she would never see a battlefield if I had anything to say about it. From the way the shifters were glaring at Lyla, they agreed with me.

Lyla waved her hands wide. “Next, the angel legion has been named the generals. They will work closely with the champions to coordinate the war efforts.”

I imagined the ocean on fire.

Bloodred flames burning across the horizon.

“The next three teams will work specifically within their designations. The assassin legion will lead the spies. The devil legion will lead the assassins, and the leviathan team will lead the foot soldiers. All the legions will answer directly to the champions, who will work directly with the representatives of the gods.”

My right eyelid twitched.

She described the structure of a classic war machine.

The type designed to keep everyone close enough to commit atrocities but far enough away from one another to shield culpability.

Those at the top doing most of the former with the least of the latter. Wonderful.

I stared at the ocean.

Lyla smiled broadly. “That concludes the Legionnaire Games. Congratulations everyone. Students and competitors can mingle and rejoice. Well done.”

Pop. Pop. Pop.

Bullets exploded and adrenaline pounded through my chest.

I froze.