Corvus gagged louder.

“You’re their missing mate,” Lothaire said.

The realm stopped spinning as he spoke our realization aloud.

She laughed loudly. “No, I’m not.”

“I don’t think—” Orion’s voice cracked. “I don’t think that—” He broke off and breathed shakily. “I want to protect her.”

Liquid splashed across the ground as Corvus lost the contents of his stomach.

Trepidation transformed into pure horror.

The desk shook from the force of my trembling. “It can’t be,” I said weakly. Desperately. Futilely.

But it made sense.

Orion’s reluctance to being coddled.

His urge to defend us.

His aggressive characteristics.

We’d assumed he was just unique.

I’d always known in my bones that he wasn’t a gentle guy.

We’d characterized him as such because he was quiet and physically smaller than Corvus and me. Plus, he was breathtakingly stunning. Corvus always said he was the prettiest male devil he’d ever seen.

It had always made sense.

It had always been the most obvious explanation.

Until we’d met someone physically smaller than all of us—someone who spiraled and fell apart during battle; someone who grieved over the people she killed while the rest of us felt nothing; someone all of us wanted to protect.

The only person Corvus had described as prettier than Orion.

A person who all three of us were obsessed with.

A person we irrationally wanted to protect.

The woman that had given us something we’d never had: control.

A woman that had all the famed characteristics of a certain type of person. Someone who was different, physically and mentally, from the three of us.

A person who had my infamously grouchy Ignis apparently blushing and tongue-tied whenever she spoke to him.

The silence had started after she’d taken off the enchantment that disguised her.

I loved the quiet. It calmed me and allowed me to hear the world around me better.

The silence was peace.

The silence was our new mating song.

Our complete one.

“I think she’s our Revered.” Orion cleared his throat. “And I’m the other Protector.”