The desk creaked beneath us as my mates shifted uncomfortably beside me.

There was a familiar ticking as the enchantment began to play.

Orion whispered in my ear.

His tone changed as the projection played, disbelief dripping from his lips. Then horror.

I gripped his thigh when he said Arabella didn’t have a flame above her head.

My nails created holes in his sweatpants when he said she jumped and pulled the girl off the platform.

When wings exploded from her spine, I gouged his skin.

I drew blood when she slammed into the post.

Orion’s thigh muscle bunched as he described Arabella throwing herself atop of the marked girl.

Corvus held his breath when on the screen, Orion said he pointed his flaming hand down at her.

“She’s on fire now.” Orion’s voice broke.

All three of us went still.

Orion gasped, “Holy sun god.” He didn’t elaborate.

I shook his thigh. “What happened? Tell me.”

“She—” He swallowed thickly as he repeated what was happening on the screen. “—somehow put out Corvus’s flames. Both she and the child are unharmed.”

All three of my eyes widened.

Then he gasped like something worse had occurred.

I was afraid to ask, “What just happened?”

Orion’s voice shook. “We stopped using our powers. Now we’re fighting with the angels. Whatever she did pulled us out of the killing state.”

“No,” Corvus whispered.

Orion repeated, “We regained control because of her.”

The room fell quiet as the projection stopped.

“Told ya,” Arabella said snottily.

I keeled forward.

Cold sweat broke out across every inch of my body, and I pressed my face against the chilly desk.

Corvus wretched beside me.

Orion hyperventilated.

“What’s happening to them?” John asked, and our teammates murmured with confusion.

Lothaire responded, “They’ve realized what we, the judges, did when we watched the tape.”

“Realized what?” Arabella asked.