I felt disoriented and shaky.
Like I had a fever.
Luka laid me down on a makeshift cot, and I held on to him desperately. Fear skittered through me, and I was afraid to release him.
My wings were heavy and painful against my back, and I flexed my shoulder muscles to ease the pain.
Their weight disappeared as I felt them retract tight against my spine. It was a bizarre sensation. I could still feel their heaviness weighing me down, but they no longer protruded from my body.
I didn’t know what was happening to me.
My teeth chattered from the sensation of cold while my chest burned like I was too hot. It was overstimulating and confusing.
I blinked back tears as I shivered.
Luka and John lowered themselves to the floor like they knew exactly what I needed. They lay beside me on the ruined mattress pad and pressed themselves flush against me.
I was sandwiched between them.
I was safe.
John pressed a gentle kiss against my temple, and everything went dark.
Chapter 47
Rebirth—Day 62, hour 7
The room was unnaturally silent when I woke up. Something rubbed me the wrong way, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
Something was different.
I had no memory of what happened after Lyla ordered us to reveal our powers. It was blank. The only thing I remembered was the angel captain telling us that Arabella belonged with his legion and all of us losing it.
I listened carefully. Only four people breathed in the room, and I could identify the sounds in my sleep.
I was alone in the room with my mates and Arabella, and I had no clue where the twins or demons were.
Muscles pulled and groaned as I sat up.
My body hadn’t hurt like this since I was a kid. Not since five children had ambushed me after school with a crowbar and beaten me bloody while they mocked me for being blind. Back then I’d gone into a coma and hadn’t woken up for days.
Now I felt the same, if not worse.
Agony scoured down my back, and every breath hurt my sternum. Corvus must feel the same, because he groaned as he shifted in the bed.
Something or someone had hurt us so badly that we’d needed days to recover.
That didn’t happen to us as adults.
Corvus swore violently as he realized Orion was still asleep in the bed, not moving. I pressed my ear to our Revered’s chest, and his heart beat slowly.
He was in a deep healing state.