“We will all die,” she whispered. “I promise.”
I forced myself to release her and step back. I refused to feel sympathy for her.
Every cell in my body cried with distress at the loss of her body heat. I liked her pressed against me.
I liked her under my control.
Orion made a wounded noise and stepped toward her. He blanched and whispered, “Sweetheart, you never should have had to experience that.”
She looked up at him with wide trusting eyes.
He took another step closer.
They were acting like they were alone. Like Scorpius and I didn’t exist.
Like my Revered cared more for her than his Ignis and Protector.
I pulled Orion back and snarled, “You’re disgusting.” The words tasted like ashes in my mouth because I meant them with every ounce of my being.
Arabella had also murdered Horace in cold blood.
It made sense.
She was one of those women who didn’t care about anyone but herself. We killed because we had to but never for personal gratification.
The nymph had touched what was ours, so he’d deserved to die. He’d groped her roughly, and she’d been too high to see that he was hurting her. We killed but only those who deserved it.
Arabella didn’t care. She was just like the whore who’d birthed me.
She nodded.
The ashes burned my throat like flames were eating me alive from the inside.
Scorpius shook his head. “Your plan is dumb. We’d kill you first before you touched us.”
Arabella pursed her lips. “Agree to disagree. Maybe someday we’ll find out.”
“If it ever comes to that.” Scorpius went impossibly still. “If you try to kill my mates, you better hope you’re already dead. Because the things I will do to you will make you wish you were.”
She balled her fists, and her features tightened.
In her profile I saw the shadow of Lothaire’s high cheekbones and arched brows. She had her father’s anger.
She was a worse version of him.
“We’ll see,” she snapped.
A muscle jumped in Scorpius’s jaw. “You better hope for your sake we never do.”
Arabella counted under her breath like she was trying not to lose control.
I tested her restraint and sneered, “You’re an abomination, and we’ll suffer your presence until we find our mate. Then I promise on the honor of my ancestors that I’ll remove you from our lives. By any means necessary.”
Before Arabella could respond, I turned away and pulled my mates with me.
I headed back to our room.
I was done arguing.