The flailing body disappeared.

Luka nodded at his brother and cracked his knuckles. “I will find out who he sold them to.” He stepped into the darkness and shimmered out of existence.

As soon as Luka was gone, the doorway poofed away like it had never existed.

John wiped at his sweaty brow and brushed off his hands as he walked by me casually and headed back to our room.

“Care to explain what you just did to him?” I said as I followed behind him.

John sighed loudly. “All you need to know is that the student has been taken care of. For all intents and purposes, he’s dead.”

I arched my brow incredulously. “But Luka survived wherever you sent him?”

“Yep.” John popped the p obnoxiously but said nothing else. He’d picked up the mannerism from Arabella.

When we got back to our room, I rounded on him. “I want answers.”

John glared back at me. “You’ll find out soon enough. Right now, I’m too tired for this shit, and I need to sleep. Wouldn’t you rather both of us explain everything with everyone present?”

“No,” I snapped. “I want to know. Now.”

John shoved past me and said, “Too bad.” He sauntered into the room casually like a flaming devil king wasn’t enraged behind him.

I wanted to swear and have a fit, but I didn’t want to wake up my mates.

John climbed into his bed and grabbed Arabella around her waist. He tucked her flush against him, and she mumbled contentedly in her sleep.

He traced his thumb slowly across her cheekbone possessively and smirked back at me.

I swallowed a growl.


Rubbing with annoyance at the tattoo on my hip, I turned to my mates and lay down beside them. Both my Revered and Protector immediately turned in their sleep and wrapped themselves around me.

I held them. Tightly.

Conflicted emotions scoured against my psyche.

Lately my emotions were getting so intense that it was scaring me. A part of me was terrified that the tattoo was warping my mind.

At the end of the day, even if Arabella was all grumpy and brave in an endearing way, she was still just a fae woman.

She wasn’t my mate.

But she was my teammate, and I respected the way she’d handled herself in the challenges. She wasn’t pampered and spoiled like I’d first thought. She’d suffered and overcome abuse.

In a lot of ways, she reminded me of Scorpius.

Their suffering had changed them into creatures that embraced pain. Scorpius was addicted to the physical kind. Aran was addicted to the mental kind.

A crushing sensation expanded in my chest as I glowered over at John.

My head was jumbled.

Fear spiked in my gut that the tattoo was making me act a certain way and in reality, I would feel nothing for Arabella.

She was nothing but a woman, after all.