Scorpius narrowed his blind eyes and said, “You’re back.”
Luka grunted. “Yep.”
John leaned across the table. “How is this possible?” He looked at his brother with worry.
Luka’s expression was blank, and like usual, it gave nothing away. “I’ve handled it just like you did. He agreed.”
John’s jaw dropped.
Luka lounged back in his seat. “I’ll explain everything later.” He waved his hand dismissively like whatever his twin was freaking out about wasn’t a big deal.
“Care to explain just what game you two are playing?” Malum growled. “The rest of your teammates would like to fucking understand.”
“We can’t say,” John said instinctively as he blinked wide eyes.
“That’s not true,” Luka corrected him. “We can explain everything. Later.”
John shook his head and gaped at his twin like he was processing something.
I picked at the dried skin on my lower lip.
Luka looked away from his brother and stared at me.
His eyes darkened and a vein on his forehead throbbed as he took in my bloody appearance.
“How are you more injured than when I left you? What did they do to you?” he asked gruffly.
Everyone at our table went still at his question.
Shivering from cold, glass falling from the sky, blood everywhere, sobbing, Xerxes beneath me, hobbling off the field, my teammates staring at my back, Malum promising to commit mass murder.
I put my elbows on the table and leaned tiredly against my hands. “Everything,” I said morbidly.
Luka leaned forward to question me further, but a familiar male voice interrupted him and asked, “So did the whore have sex with John or that other guy?”
I stared at the table a few feet away from the dais.
It was the guy who’d been running his mouth a week ago. You would think Cobra’s shadow snake and Malum burning his crotch would have shut him up. Some men never learned.
Of course every one of my teammates whipped their head in his direction.
John made a growling noise, and Scorpius broke his fork into two pieces, while Malum burst into flames and stood up.
Tensions had been running high, and everyone was looking for a target.
For some reason, my eyes were drawn to the shifter table, and I made eye contact with Jinx like I was looking for her permission.
She raised her brow at me.
Her insinuation was loud and clear.
Maybe it was the agony stabbing down my back, maybe it was just general exhaustion, maybe it was the haze, or maybe I’d just reached my limit and didn’t care anymore.
Either way, something snapped inside me.
“Sit down,” I said to Malum as I shoved my chair back. There was a loud scraping noise.