I was called a Protector for a reason, and she was under our care.
From now on, Arabella would be guarded from harm.
I picked up the leaking bucket and carried it back into the bedroom. Kneeling beside her whimpering form, I worked with the rest of my legion to help her.
I would make it up to her by guarding her with my life.
I vowed it to the sun god.
Then I would kill Lothaire because willful negligence was no excuse. He was at fault. He would suffer by my hand.
Arabella had been mutilated.
It changed everything.
Chapter 43
Rebirth—Day 57, hour 10
“All students and legions must proceed to the great hall for an announcement.” The enchanted male voice boomed through the room.
I stared at the ceiling.
A pipe loose between my lips.
Less than twenty-four hours ago, I’d been covered in glass shards, hobbling off an arena half-naked.
The loud message repeated, and my teammates grumbled as they woke up.
I’d woken up an hour ago to find all six men passed out on the floor surrounding me. John’s fingers had been wrapped around mine tightly as he’d held my hand in his sleep.
They’d all exhausted themselves stitching me up.
Even the demons.
Despite every horrible thing I’d been through, tears welled in my eyes as I watched them grumble and wake up.
Gratitude made my head light.
John’s warm fingers curled against mine as he rolled over and yawned. He dragged his other hands softly across the top of my cheekbone. “You better now, bestie?” he asked softly.
I licked my cracked lips and whispered, “Never better, dude.”
For a second, we stared at each other.
John’s thick dark lashes fluttered as he blinked his hooded dark eyes. Twin dimples flashed, then disappeared as he stared into my eyes. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
I gave him a small smile. “I prefer barely functioning and extremely sexy.”
John’s callused finger trailed softly down my cheekbone, and he fingered the heavy necklace I’d forgotten was hanging from my throat. The tops of his cheeks turned pink as he gently tugged on the heavy diamond and used it to pull my face closer to his.
John whispered, “I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through.” His voice cracked. “If I could go back in time and protect you, I would.” He smiled at me sadly. “Aran, there’s something I need to—”
The enchanted voice cut him off. “All students and legions must proceed to the great hall for an announcement.”