Never had been.

Never would be.

I stepped out into the storm with my head high, and I walked straight into fate’s cruel arms.

For the fourth time in a row.

Chapter 39



Metamorphosis—Day 55, hour 10

“Welcome, competitors, to the fourth competition.” Lothaire’s loud, enchanted voice warped and crackled as it filled the arena.

My eyes watered from the punishing winds.

I leaned forward, thigh muscles straining as I fought to stand upright. Hair whipped my face, and I wished I’d taken Sadie up on the hair braiding.

Across the field, a new one-story concrete structure sat ominously.

It was comically small compared to the towering posts it was positioned between. The new building shimmered with the telltale blue of enchantment, and it had floor-to-ceiling black glass facing the field.

It was a one-way mirror.

At least it wasn’t a window. The gods had spared us the humiliation of having to see everyone gawking at us from safety.

The students, judges, and the rest of the competitors were inside the compact structure.

Six of us stood on the outside.


Discarded by our captains and thrown into the storm to suffer.

Lothaire spoke from somewhere inside the building, and his enchanted voice echoed across the field. “All competitors must stay within the arena bounds until five a.m. tomorrow. There are no other rules for this challenge. You can use any powers you might need. The competition begins now.”

Doesn’t sound too bad. Although, that is a lot of hours.

Thunder boomed.

The grass shook, and I pressed my hand to my chest as my fingers trembled from the rumble vibrating through me.

Black clouds rolled angrily above me.

For the first time since I’d been at the academy, the realm wasn’t scarlet. It was black like night had fallen.

Visibility was shit.

I couldn’t see the ocean at all, even though I knew it was only a hundred feet away. But I could hear it. Waves bellowed as they slammed against the rocky shore.

Sometimes darkness was peaceful.

This wasn’t.

Malevolent noises seemed to multiply in the shadows, and they screamed at me from all directions.