Instead of getting off the bed, John climbed over me. The covers were pulled off my head, and cool air hit my face.
I went impossibly still.
Callused fingers touched the back of my neck, and something cold and heavy settled around my throat. John’s breath was faint against my cheeks.
“Stop wasting time and move, Luka,” Malum snapped, and John climbed off the bed.
“That’s not Luka,” Scorpius said slowly. “I listened closely this week and noted the slight difference in how they breathe.”
Malum’s voice deepened. “What?”
The demons groaned from the mattress pads on the floor as they woke up.
“He’s right. I RJE’d back a few hours ago, and I was going to let everyone know,” John said casually like he was talking about the weather.
“Bullshit, you weren’t going to say anything,” Malum snapped. “But you will explain just what in the sun god’s realms is going on right now.”
“You have five seconds to explain,” Scorpius sneered. “Or we’ll hurt you.”
“All I can tell you is that there are two of us. Until everything else is sorted out, I’m still sworn to secrecy.” John chuckled. “Seriously. You can even ask Lothaire.”
Malum growled like a wild animal. “Unacceptable! I am the captain of this team, and you will explain.”
John sighed loudly. “I can tell you that on my end, I’ve completed my…other obligations…and I will not have to RJE away again. Since Luka is still otherwise engaged, the secrecy stands. If anything changes, you’ll be the first to know.”
Malum made a noise of disbelief.
“Trust me,” John said in a serious tone. “It has killed me to deceive everyone, and I wish things were different.”
“I’m sure you fucking do,” Scorpius snarled.
John’s voice was hard. “We all know how the realms work. We’ve all made sacrifices to be here. So don’t try me. A secrecy enchantment prevents me from speaking on the issue, and all you’ll do is piss me off. Now, can we go to dinner?”
Malum scoffed. “Screw you.”
“Very mature,” I said as I gave up playing dead, because let’s be real, I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to needle Malum.
I rubbed at my eyes and yawned dramatically like I was coming out of a deep sleep. My neck cramped, and I rubbed at a knot on the base of my skull.
I winced at the state of my arms.
Blue-and-green bruises wrapped around my pale flesh and contrasted nicely with black stitches that held together about a dozen new, weeping wounds. They crossed over the scabbing, old wounds. The skin under my left eye throbbed.
I looked exactly how I felt.
“What the actual fuck!” Malum bellowed.
He moved with impossible speed, a blur of bronze and flames, as he flew across the room in my direction.
John moved into his path and blocked him from getting to me.
The air shimmered black.
Manic silver eyes locked on mine as Malum’s upper lip curled back with disgust, and he radiated distress.
I patted my hair and tried to smooth down the wild curls.
My bedhead was bad, but it seemed slightly excessive to scream and charge across the room because of a bad hair day.