There was a shuffling noise.

“Holy fuck,” Luka said. “That’s the…”

“Don’t say it aloud,” John cut him off with a hiss. “Just speaking its name can alert poachers.”

“And you think it will work for me?” Luka asked softly.

I leaned forward on my bed.

John’s response was so quiet that I couldn’t hear it through the bathroom door.

I picked at my lower lip. I had no idea what the twins were discussing, but from the awe in Luka’s voice, it was a big deal.

My stomach pulled into knots as I thought about the tender moment I’d shared with Luka after he’d stitched me up.

It didn’t seem as sweet when I remembered all his secrets.

The twins were purposefully keeping me in the dark.

Were they toying with me?

Was it all some sick prank, pretend to befriend the loser fae girl?

I made a face at my stupid thoughts. Did I think I was in some coming-of-age teen romance? I wasn’t a helpless, naïve girl getting pranked by stupid boys. I was a depressed twenty-four-year-old fae queen who’d killed a lot of people.

“Stay safe, brother,” John said.

“You too.” Luka’s slightly deeper voice trailed off like he disappeared.

The door squeaked.

I flung myself back into the bed and pulled the covers over my head, heart racing. I feigned sleep.

Footsteps padded softly across the rug.

Then the bed moved.

A large body squeezed into the gap between me and the wall. Arms reached out and wrapped around me. They pulled me against a hard chest. The rich scent of sandalwood, not spice, filled my nose.

I was lying in John’s arms.

I didn’t know if I wanted to laugh or cry.

John sighed contentedly, and his breath steadied as he drifted off to sleep.

Hours passed.

I lay wide awake.

I was afraid to move and have the mirage of my friend disappear. I’d wanted him to come back so badly, and now here he was. A part of me mourned the loss of Luka.

It was all so confusing.

So I waited.

Hours later Malum yelled, “Everyone, up. Time for dinner. We need the fuel.”

John jolted awake; his warm muscles tensed as he pulled himself away from me. I pretended to keep sleeping.