Two kings glanced down.

One king cocked his head to the side in confusion.

Malum erupted in angry red flames, while Orion scowled as he whispered in Scorpius’s ear.

All three of them fisted their hands.

The temperature in the corner increased about a million degrees, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up at the danger in the air.

It was volatile.

Malum spoke, and his voice was the deepest I’d ever heard it. “Get your hands off our girl.”

I gaped. Our girl? He probably meant it in a slave sense.

Before anyone could move, Orion and Scorpius grabbed the men at my feet and threw them backward into the crowd.

Partygoers yelled as bodies smashed into them.

The kings didn’t bother to turn around to see the destruction they’d caused.

Luka smirked beside me.

Even drunk…

I knew I was doomed.

Chapter 31



Metamorphosis—Day 42, hour 4

A few hours earlier

The party was boring.

I wanted to kill someone just to spice it up.

Females clung to my arms, and overly large breasts were squished against me. Lips trailed down my neck.

I felt nothing.

Next to me, gurgling noises let me know a woman was sucking on Corvus’s cock. She choked.

I’m sure his eyes were closed and his head tipped back.

To other partygoers, I bet it looked like he was enjoying himself.

Every few seconds, Corvus’s teeth clicked. He was grinding his jaw and breathing roughly through his nose.

He was trying not to lose control.

He was miserable.

Similarly, Orion was quiet on the other side of the chair. He didn’t moan with pleasure or make any sounds of enjoyment while women were breathily calling his name and touching him.