A weird mix of emotions churned my gut, and suddenly it was hard to breathe.
Since I’d saved Scorpius, the kings had been acting different. They weren’t nice, but they weren’t as antagonistic.
I took a gulp of demon brew.
Breathed unevenly.
A dull ache pulsed between my legs. John held me reverently and told me softly to lift my hips. He slowly entered me.
There was a fluttering sensation in my lower stomach.
Pain streaked down my spine.
My sight line to the kings disappeared as the music changed and students pressed closer together. Hips and chests locked. Hands and lips exploring.
Everyone coupled up.
Suddenly, I was suffocating. The heat was intense because there were too many bodies in too small a space.
Sweat streaked over goose bumps.
Reaching down I tucked the front of my sweatshirt up into my sports bra, and I sighed with relief as coolness hit my abs.
I leaned back against the vibrating wall.
Sank into the shadows and concentrated on figuring it all out. “It” being getting drunk.
I was an overachiever.
A few seconds, maybe minutes, potentially four hours later, I squealed with delight as men joined me in the shadows.
“You have blue hair.” I pointed to the three little fake fae men who stood in front of me. It was kind of weird that they pretended to be a different species. It was also adorable.
They were so cute when compared to my teammates.
Short and skinny.
Complete wimps.
We stood at eye level, so they were barely six feet tall, and I just wanted to pinch their cheeks.
I could easily take all of them in a fight, which made them great friend material.
“For our queen, we’d do anything,” fake fae man number one (he’d told me his name twice now, and I’d ignored him both times) fell to his knees and kissed my hand.
I loved that devotion from him. Finally, someone recognized my importance. I just wanted to give him a little platonic head pat.
“Let us serve you sexually,” fake fae man number two said aggressively.
We were on two different pages.
I pressed both bottles to my lips and tipped my head back. The last drops of demon brew hit my tongue.
Fake fae man number three begged, “We’ll make it so good for you, our Queen. Let all three of us serve you. Please.” He fell to his knees beside the first man, who knelt on the ground in front of me.
“Um.” I gnawed on my lower lip.