“It’s not like that,” I repeated uselessly.

Crash. The bathroom door was thrown open with unnecessary force, and Luka sauntered out.

His eyes narrowed as he stared at me where I stood inches away from Arabella. My arms were on fire, and it looked like I was threatening her.

I made a point of taking a step back.

Arabella chuckled as she pushed past me like she thought I was pathetic.

Lately, I was.

The air around Luka shimmered black.

It was high time he explained himself. I turned to question Luka about what the hell kind of game he and John were playing, but a servant burst into the room.

Why would he keep his identity a secret for so many years but reveal it now?

“Here’s the enchanted speaker you requested.” The servant offered a glowing blue sphere to Zenith.

The demon stared down at it and furrowed his brow.

The servant explained, “Just tap it once while thinking of a song, genre of music, or general aesthetic.”

Zenith tapped.

A guitar tore through notes while a male singer screamed.

It was frenzied music.


One corner of his mouth twitched up, and it was the happiest I’d ever seen him.

“Here we go.” Arabella climbed onto John’s bed and started playing the air guitar while shimmying her hips wantonly. She smiled and said, “Get up sluts it’s time to sin.”

My blood pressure skyrocketed.

Wasn’t she supposed to be depressed?

“What are you doing? You’re acting like a psychopath,” I growled at her over the unintelligible music blaring through the room.

So much for appearing less aggressive.

“At least I’m on a path,” Arabella said as she smirked and flipped the unruly mass of blue curls over her shoulder. “Also, I’m dancing like a whore.” She pretended to hump air.

She pointed both her middle fingers at me and scrunched them like she was waving.

“To everyone I’ve done wrong.” She gestured to the room like she was making an announcement. “I just want you to know.” She put a hand over her heart. “I’d do it again.”

I shook my head with disgust.

She laughed and tripped over a pillow.

I lunged forward, catching her before she hit the floor. My fingers tingled where they dug into the dip above her hips.

She scrambled out of my grip and climbed back onto the bed.

I took a step back and cleared my throat as I rubbed at my flushed face.