Exhaled control.
Instead of staying still and letting me do what I needed to do to not raze this academy to the ground, Arabella yanked and struggled against my hold.
She was the antithesis of obedience.
I tried to sound unaffected, but my voice came out as a throaty rasp. “I’ve made the decision as captain. We’re having a party in our room tonight because everyone needs to let loose. Please don’t make this difficult.”
I’m trying.
She bared her perfect white teeth like a wild animal.
I inhaled deeper.
No one should be allowed to smell so good. It was overpowering and heady, with an icy burn.
I coughed and turned to the side as I discreetly adjusted my pants.
The slave brand was clearly messing with my head.
Arabella sucked on her pipe.
Her pink tongue wiped across her cracked lips, and she whispered, “So I should choose a man to get with at the party?”
A sick sense of dread filled my stomach, like icy water was washing over me.
Her cheeks hollowed as she rolled her pipe in her mouth like it was candy.
“No.” I tried to speak calmly, but my voice came out as a growl. “Touch anyone and I’ll kill him.”
Arabella tipped her head back like I’d made a joke. “Good one.” She slapped me on the arm like I was her pathetic human pal, John.
I blinked down at her.
“I’m not joking,” I said as flames rolled off my arms. “I have no limitations.”
The thought of someone else fisting her blue curls and inhaling her intoxicating scent—it was wrong.
I did not like it.
“Why?” She raised her eyebrows. “Because I’m your slave?”
“No,” I spat immediately. “It’s not like that.”
She narrowed her dark-blue eyes, and her face scrunched with confusion. “Then what is it like?”
I opened my lips, and no words came out.
I couldn’t identify the emotions swirling in my gut. She was my teammate, and we were connected by the tattoo, but she was also more.
“I don’t know,” I whispered.
“You can get with women, but I can’t get with men because of some weird, sexist double standard?” She scoffed at me like I was losing my mind.
I agreed with her.
I was.