I took a step closer.

He was such a funny guy.

I’d always loved his silent-but-deadly energy.

John gave me long looks over his shoulder, and the pressure on my chest intensified. The weight crushed me.

I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know how to reverse the past.

When we entered the room, I bumped into Malum.

He stood in the doorway, blocking everyone.

Zenith bumped into me from behind and shoved me forward. I pushed him back, and he ran into Malum.

Malum bumped into Scorpius, who turned around and shoved Vegar.

John swore when Zenith pushed him over and launched himself at Scorpius to get retribution for hurting his boyfriend.

Everyone pushed at one another.

Heat prickled the side of my neck, and I looked over midscuffle to find Orion staring down at me with wide, unblinking eyes. The men bumped into him, and he didn’t react. He just kept staring at me.

I rolled my eyes back in my head and stuck my tongue out at him.

John tried to pull Scorpius and Zenith apart. Their hands were wrapped around each other’s necks, and they were strangling each other. Kinky.

Malum had a flaming fist pointed at Vegar.

In the middle of the scrum, Orion stepped close and invaded my personal space. He whispered so quietly I barely heard him say, “Do that again and I’ll take you up on your offer, sweetheart.”

Too-pretty features glinted maniacally.

It took me a second to realize what he was talking about.

I pulled my tongue back into my mouth as a blush burned my cheeks. “That wasn’t what I meant,” I hissed with outrage. “I was pretending to be dead.”

We both ignored the bulge that was growing in his pants.

“Enough,” Lothaire bellowed loudly, and everyone broke apart. The reason Malum had stopped in the doorway was clear.

“In formation, recruits. Did none of my training stick in your fucking brains? Are you five years old?”

We stood at attention.

Legs spread.

Arms behind our backs.

Heads lowered.



Lothaire stood in our room and stared at the hearth with a forlorn expression. He tapped his fingers on the mantel like he was impatient.

It wasn’t a competition day, so I didn’t understand why he was here.