I rolled my eyes.

“Psst, Queen Arabella,” he said in a loud whisper, “I know you can hear me.”

Why did the legion tables have to be so close to the dais?

“That’s it.” Sadie pressed her steak knife into her finger, and a ball of blood floated in the air from the cut.

Her ruby eyes glowed.

“Stop it,” I swatted the blood down before she could do something stupid. “You don’t want everyone to know about your powers.”

The droplets I’d hit onto the table floated up into the air and recoagulated.

Sadie scowled. “He won’t know anything once I’ve made him into a mindless zombie.”

I turned to Jax and said tiredly, “Make her stop.”

He nodded, then reached across the table and pinched Sadie’s nose between two fingers.

Her eyes stopped glowing, and the blood dropped.

I shook my head. “I can’t believe that worked.”

Jax winked down at me. “You don’t want to know how we discovered it.”

“How about you just suck me off?” the douche at the other table said louder.

Excited to announce, I’m going to stop giving men the benefit of the doubt.

Sadie’s canines lengthen. Why was my friend so ridiculously overpowered yet unable to run for five minutes without asphyxiating? Truly a unique woman.

“He’s not worth it,” I hissed at her.

At the same time, the douche laughed and said, “Just one blow job, baby.”

I clenched my jaw so tightly it ached. If karma didn’t hit him, then I would.

Xerxes and Ascher pushed their chairs back and stood up, and Jax’s head snapped around. Sadie let out a low howl.

Jinx rolled her eyes and fed her ferret pieces of steak.

Before I could try to defuse the situation, the student let out a high-pitched scream.

Everyone in the hall turned to stare at the commotion.

I narrowed my eyes at Sadie, but she shrugged. “Wasn’t me.”

The jerk screamed louder.

It took everyone at the table a second to realize that the jewels embedded in Cobra’s skin were now slithering shadow snakes, and he had slit pupils.

“Oopssss,” he lisped and flashed two elongated front canines and a slightly forked tongue.

The tongue was new.

He smirked.

A single black shadow snake was latched onto the screaming student’s neck.