They almost sounded like they had feelings, like they cared.
I might be depressed and possibly suffering from the most extreme case of scoliosis ever recorded, but I still had the energy to be stunned.
“You’re our teammate,” Malum said slowly. “We respect you as more than a hole.”
“Obviously,” Scorpius spat.
My eyes widened.
Nothing about anything they were saying was obvious to me.
Were they feeling well?
Had I woken up in a different dimension?
Holy sun god, was this what the afterlife was like? Disappointing—I’d been hoping for a fae beach and free drugs.
My thoughts must have been written on my face, because the kings didn’t argue further.
Malum slung his flaming arm around both Scorpius’s and Orion’s shoulders, then he said to me, “You haven’t eaten in too long. You need to go to dinner.”
I sighed and began to crawl out of bed.
“Let me help you,” Scorpius mumbled as he grabbed me underneath the arm and helped me out of bed.
“I’m gaping at you in shock,” I said loudly because I didn’t want Scorpius to miss out on my facial expressions.
He shook his head with exasperation, but a small smile curled the edge of his lips.
Like he thought I was funny.
I obviously was, but he did not think so.
I fell over from the surprise of it and nearly collapsed onto my knees.
“Careful, careful.” Malum gripped me beneath my armpits and pulled me to my feet.
I yanked my arm away and pressed it to my chest like it burned. “I’m good. You don’t need to help me.”
Their niceness was too much for my feminine constitution. The sun god truly gave his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers.
I stared at my feet.
The kings stared at me.
“Aran,” John started to say, but I hobbled into the hall and called back, “Dinner.”
The devils were acting weird. There was an ache between my legs, a strange pressure on my spine, and a loud ringing in my ears. Yet the emotional distress was the worst part. Memories of what had gone down with John played in my head.
I’d never felt so confused.
A weight crushed my chest, and it felt like my organs were shutting down from the force of my guilt. I moved quickly like if I walked fast enough, I could leave it behind me.
Lightning cracked.