I couldn’t hear what he was saying.
Everything spun as I looked over his shoulder. A lone figure was slumped on the lawn.
Holy sun god.
My stomach plummeted.
Long angel wings were spread beneath him.
He’d been left by his teammates.
Gore exploded across the field as the body exploded.
He’d been left to die.
I looked down at where Scorpius was stirring at my feet. That could have been him.
Muffled screams with a horrible high-pitched feedback noise had me covering my ears.
Around us, every member of the angel legion fell to their knees and covered their ears. They bowed their heads.
The angel captain, who had two different-colored eyes, twitched violently. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he mouthed like he was speaking to someone in his head. “I accept the punishment.”
He convulsed on the ground like he’d been electrocuted.
I was in too much pain to care about what was happening to them. After all, he’d left his teammate on the field.
Lothaire stopped holding me up, and I staggered to support myself. John said something as he leaned down into my face, but he didn’t make a sound. Blood poured out of his eyes and ears.
He looked heinous.
Lothaire’s enchanted voice boomed so loudly that it broke through the high-pitched noise that was ringing in my ears. Still, it sounded like he whispered, “Arabella was the loser of the competition.”
Goose bumps erupted across my arms as my knees gave out. John lunged forward and caught me before I collapsed.
“The gods have ordered her punishment. She is to…” Lothaire trailed off and didn’t finish.
The ringing feedback made me wince.
I broke out in a cold sweat.
There was the sound of a scuffle, and someone shouted, “No!”
Lyla’s smooth voice replaced Lothaire’s, and she said, “For her punishment, the gods order Arabella to have penetrative intercourse with her legion mate John on the field until completion. Now.”
John pushed me away, and I fell to my knees.
Cold rocks stabbed against my numb skin.
“Failure to comply will result in her being removed from the competition,” Lyla said with no inflection.
Please. No. Not this.
I vomited up partially digested eggs.