They coughed.

I lunged at them aggressively and they stumbled away in fear.

“Ignore them,” John said roughly and pulled me under his other arm so he shielded me with his body from the crowd. “They know nothing.”

He breathed heavily like he was agitated by what they’d said.

“I mean, they’re not wrong,” I said.

John tucked me harder against his warm chest, and I ignored the jolt of pain that zinged down my spine.

In front of us the crowd was blocking the hall. Malum shoved a student to the ground who didn’t get out of his way, and Scorpius kicked him. Orion stepped over him like he wasn’t there.

The demons followed and ignored the fallen student, who scurried backward on all fours into the crowd.

Who was more afraid of the demons than the kings?

Idiots. That was who.

Someone jostled John, and I winced as my still-healing leg buckled under the sharp movement.

“Shit, did they hurt you?” John asked with concern.

Before I could say I was fine (which I was definitely not), Scorpius was standing in front of us.

He snarled at the students who bumped us, “Move out of the fucking way. Touch my legion mate again and you’re dead.” His milky, blind eyes flashed with violence.

Legion mate. Interesting term.

I was surprised he hadn’t said “slave.”

Students fell over themselves running away.

Malum imitated a bonfire behind Scorpius, and Orion scowled while, you guessed it, he stared at me without blinking.

Whatever. I leaned harder against John.

We made it the rest of the way down the hall without incident.

Well, there was just one teeny, tiny moment where Malum snapped a woman’s wrist because she touched Orion’s hair without permission.

The girl sobbed, and Scorpius told her to “shut the fuck up.”

You gotta love men who empower women.

Very inspiring stuff.

When we finally got back to the room, I collapsed onto the bed like I’d run thirty miles. I stared at the black hole in the ceiling like it contained the meaning of the universe. Plot twist: it didn’t.

Horse flew around the ceiling and cawed aggressively at everyone in a show of pure might while I sucked on my pipe until the room spun.

“Make him shut up,” Malum snarled as he stretched on the floor.

I shook my head. “Horse is not a filthy male like you. Don’t lump him in with yourself.”

Horse cawed louder because he was a genius.

“You just called him a he,” Malum said as he leaned forward and touched his toes. “Idiot.”