“You think you’re so smart because you read Nietzsche and philosophers.” My laugh was raspy and harsh. “But you know nothing about the real world. I don’t take advice from sheltered little girls.”

Jinx grabbed the front of my hoodie with surprising strength. “You will listen or you will perish. I’m all you have. I’m all you’ve ever had, but you’re too blind and self-centered.”

“If you’re all I have”—I let her pull me closer—“then why would I care about righteousness when I’m already damned?” I scoffed. “Talk to me when you’ve suffered a tenth of what I’ve gone through. Until then, leave me alone.”

A noise that sounded suspiciously like a growl rumbled in Jinx’s chest.

She quivered with anger as she whisper-yelled, “You wouldn’t survive a day in my body. You have no idea what I’ve done or what’s at stake.” Her voice dripped with desperation.

I’d never seen her lose control like this.

I opened my mouth to argue back, then paused because she was a thirteen-year-old girl with a loving family. “What’s at stake? What’s wrong with your body?”

Since I was part of that family, it was my job to protect her.

“Forget I said that.” Jinx released my clothes and took a step away.

There was something she wasn’t telling me.

“No.” I grabbed her arm and pushed her back against the wall. I used my much larger body to intimidate her. “Explain yourself right now. What are you hiding from us?”

“I wasn’t planning on doing this, but,” Jinx mumbled under her breath.

The blacks of her corneas expanded until they consumed the whites of her eyes.

It was like staring into the vacuum of space.

I needed to look deeper.

If only I could search the depths, I’d discover things I’d never known.

My subconscious brain wrenched my head to the side before I’d consciously recognized that I needed to disengage.

“No, look at me. Don’t look away,” Jinx implored.

I stared at the tile floor as I gasped for air. My eyes also went black when I was enraged.

Are we somehow connected? Is she also fae?

My analytical mind whirled as it struggled to put together all the pieces. So many possibilities.

None of them good.

“Jinx, did you also go into the bathroom? Everything okay?” Sadie called from the other side of the door.

“Yes. We’re fine!” Jinx yelled back in a fake singsong voice.

Keeping my eyes averted on the ground, I gritted my teeth and whispered, “You have ten seconds to explain yourself or I will scream for Sadie and let everyone know that you have an ability you’ve been hiding from us. Also that you’re apparently suffering every day. I’m sure that won’t make everyone freak the fuck out.”

Jinx whined, “Friggin’ hell.”

“Did you just say ‘frig’?” I asked incredulously.

“Swearing,” she said coldly, “is the sign of a weak mind.”

“Well, you’re about to be grounded for the rest of your life, so you have five seconds to explain.” My voice rose as I spoke.

“Shut the hell up,” Jinx whispered.