I turned back to Orion with renewed dedication.
Scorpius must have understood what I wasn’t saying because he knelt beside me and wiped sweat off my brow as I worked.
John fell to his knees beside Arabella, and the urge to scream at him bubbled up my throat. A needle snapped beneath my fingers as I stopped myself from shoving him away from her.
Scorpius handed me another one silently, but his jaw was also clenched tightly.
I turned back to Orion.
I pretended I wasn’t watching John struggle to put her pieces back together again. “Be careful with her,” I snarled at him when he was a little too jerky with his movements.
She was too mangled to stitch, with all the gore hanging out of her.
No. Focus on Orion.
Yet again I ripped my gaze away and focused on the most important person in my life. I lost myself in helping him.
At some point, Lothaire came into the room to check on Aran. He pulled at his braid and flexed his fingers as he repeated over and over that he couldn’t intervene and help her or we’d all be disqualified and punished.
His words rubbed me the wrong way, and I bristled as I stitched.
If he cared, he would have done something.
Scorpius agreed with me, because he said some choice swear words under his breath.
His daughter was lying in pieces as John pushed her back together, and Lothaire stalked out of the room while mumbling that he couldn’t interfere.
Flames leaped across my shoulders.
As he left, Lothaire slammed the door with unnecessary force that made the floor vibrate.
The needle jostled, and I poked Orion’s arm.
I growled with frustration and fought the urge to run after him and punish him for being a shit father.
My thoughts were completely irrational.
After a few deep breaths, I kept working.
Twenty-four hours later, my Revered was stitched up to my exacting standards.
Fingers cramping, I dropped the needle.
My vision blurred.
My untreated injuries had been exacerbated over the last few hours. Orion was covered in more of my blood than his own.
I sat there staring down at him.
His eyelids fluttered open, and he coughed.
I collapsed with relief.
Scorpius shouted for the demon’s help, and he hovered over me. Darkness consumed me.
I groaned as I blinked.