I slammed my aching knees onto the tile.

Popped a stitch on my arm.

The lilac undergarments went well with my blue hair, scabbing red wounds, and green-black bruises.

I’d never looked so colorful.

Looking over the cubbies, I followed the kings’ instructions. I pulled Orion’s sweatshirt out of his cubby and pressed the chocolate-raspberry scent to my face.

Pulling on his sweatshirt was an exercise in mortal combat, and it snagged on my wounds.

When it was all said and done, I stared blankly at my clothed reflection. I stuck my pipe between my lips and puffed out Horse to complete the look.

He cawed and settled his smoking talons onto my shoulders.

My new aesthetic was cozy, drug-dependent swamp monster.

Not to brag, but I nailed the look.

Shuffling forward on aching joints, I leaned my head against the bathroom door and counted to ten. Inhaled drugs.

In an alternate universe, my fictional lover was out of his mind with concern that I’d been injured. He was on the other side of the door, ready to pamper me and make sure I didn’t lift a finger. He was waiting to coddle me and give me sweet kisses.

“Get your ass out of the bathroom!” Malum shouted.

I exhaled smoke.

In this universe, I suffered.

I pushed open the door with my shoulders back and asked calmly, “What’s the plan for the day?” Straightening my shoulders, I tried to project competence.

The three kings stood outside the door, waiting for me.

Orion raised his eyebrow when he saw what I was wearing, and a smile curved his lips. He looked like a cat with cream.

Malum glared like usual, and tiny scarlet flames danced across his exposed bronze arms. He wore a black T-shirt that clung to his bulging muscles like a second skin.

Steel eyes traced over me slowly.

He clenched his jaw as he recognized whose sweatshirt I was wearing but he said nothing about it.

I arched my brow at him tauntingly.

I also did not notice the network of veins that decorated his forearms. Nope. Didn’t see them at all.

I did notice that he wasn’t bruised, and compared to mine, Orion’s marks were minimal. There were a few angry gashes across their exposed skin, but otherwise they looked healthy and unaffected by the fall.

Not relatable.

Scorpius’s head tilted in my direction like he was listening to every breath I took. Orion whispered in his ear.

Malum dragged his hands over his buzzed hair and said, “Since we only have seven days until the next competition, we’re going to ramp up our training. First, we go to lunch.” Silver eyes narrowed on me. “Everyone needs to focus on eating as much as possible during meals so they’re fueled and ready.”

I saluted him with my third finger and said sarcastically, “Yes, sir.”

“Good,” he snapped and draped both his arms across Scorpius’s and Orion’s shoulders. They melted against him.

But they didn’t move.