Then she spread her arms wide and smirked over at us. “See you at the bottom, bitches.”
She tipped backward off her post.
Pipe between her lips.
My stomach tied into knots, and I couldn’t draw enough air into my lungs.
“Wait!” Orion yelled loudly, but she was already below the cloud cover.
I screamed, “Fuck!”
We both jumped feet first after her.
The clouds were cold and wet, and the droplets were abrasive against my skin as I cut through the air quickly.
Dark-gray streaks turned to red as I left the clouds.
Air whistled in my ears.
The sea expanded in every direction like an abyss.
A green lawn approached.
It was covered in dots.
Was that Arabella’s mangled body? Terror, rage, fear, and failure hammered my senses.
The lawn was close enough to touch.
I reached for Arabella’s prone form.
Darkness exploded.
Chapter 16
The Legionnaire Games: Day 26, hour 23
I rolled over and tried to scream, but breathy moans were all my shredded throat produced.
Every inhale.
Every exhale.
Every muscle twitched.
Sent tendrils of stabbing pain across my senses.
With jerky movements, I searched desperately for what I needed. Panic and desperation made me a shaking mess.
I couldn’t find it.
“Calm down, Aran.” A pipe was pushed gently between my cracked lips. “The fact that this damn thing survived the drop is ridiculous.”